Saturday, February 22, 2014

Depression Part 2: Fighting the Darkness (2)

The most common treatments for depression are therapy and medicine.

When I decided I needed professional help for my depression, therapy was my first choice. I met regularly with a counselor to discuss my depression. The kind of therapy I did focused mostly on thought patterns and actions. My counselor helped me see life more positively and realistically. She urged me to eat right, exercise and sleep enough.

Other types of therapy focus on past trauma or on relationships. A counselor may discuss troubling emotions, what triggers them and how to handle them productively.

Therapy is often effective for treating mild or moderate depression, but more extreme cases require medication. Drugs called antidepressants treat depression by changing a person's brain chemistry. They can often help severe depression, especially when combined with therapy. If you think you need antidepressants, talk to your doctor. If you begin taking them, watch for side effects, and tell your doctor if any new problems emerge.

Fighting depression takes time and effort, but the darkness does pass. Understanding the causes of depression and discerning the right strategy to defeat it are important steps toward healing.

Editor's Summary
So, what can you do if you feel depressed more than you think you should?

There is therapy with a counselor, who should help you look at thought patterns and actions in your life.

Some therapist focus on relationships or trauma and how to handle them.

In addition, at times, medication, or a combination of therapy and medication, helps.

Understanding what depression is and discerning the strategy to cope with it are very important steps in the healing process.

Grammar Gym
[something] is effective for ..., but more extreme cases require [something else]
- Therapy is often effective for treating mild or moderate depression, but more extreme cases require medication.
- Taking supplements is effective for treating minor health problems, but more extreme cases require a trip to the doctor's office.
- A combination of vinegar and baking soda is effective for treating a slow drain, but more extreme cases require a strong cleaner or even a plumber.

Info Cloud
Teaching Topic: Synonyms and Connotation
Synonym  同義字真的同義嗎?
每個字都有自已的connotation 含義,
一個字都有他的背景, 歷史, 上下文情感上的反應,
flabby 不結實/ chubby 胖嘟嘟/ strong 強壯

Language Lab
counselor n.
someone whose job is to help and support people with problems
- After a year of meeting her counselor on a weekly basis, Martha is now a healthy, happy girl.
- David and Tina decided to see a marriage counselor to mend their relationship.
mend [= fix]

productively adv.
resulting in: productive of good results
- Theo spends too much time playing online games. He should use his time more productively.
productive adj.
producing or achieving a lot

medication n.
medicine or drugs given to people who are ill
- Sara is taking medication for high blood pressure.
- Gina's on medication because of her heart condition.

discern v.
to notice or understand something by thinking about it carefully
- Scientists are trying to discern the cause of this phenomenon.
- You can easily discern the coldness in her attitude.


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