Sunday, March 31, 2013


April showers bring May flowers
During April in the northern hemisphere, flowers bloom, and the world comes back to life after a long winter. Some think this month's name comes from the Latin word aperire, meaning to open, referring to the opening of flowers. And April's name says much more as well.

A- Arbor Day, a holiday that celebrates and encourages planting trees, falls on April 26 this year. J. Sterling Morton, a pioneer on America's frontier, was passionate about nature and proposed this holiday. It was first held in Nebraska on April 10, 1872, and has since spread throughout the U.S.

P- Practical jokes are common on April 1- April Fool's Day. People play tricks on each other, and some companies even join in. The BBC once reported a story about farmers harvesting spaghetti from trees, and Burger King advertised a left-handed hamburger.

R- Rain is common in many places during April, a fact that gave rise to the old saying, "April showers bring May flowers."

I- International Guitar Month falls in April along with National Humor Month and National Stress Awareness Month.

L- Loyalty, love, and innocence are represented by the daisy, April's flower. And April's gemstone, the diamond, represents everlasting love.

Info Cloud
Arbor Day 植樹節
holiday 假日
national holiday 國定假日(美語用法)
bank holiday (英國用法)
holiday 渡假(英)
- I want to go on holiday. 我想去渡假
vacation 渡假(美)
- I want to go on vacation. 我想去渡假

Grammar Gym
Rain is common in many places during April, a fact that gave rise to the old saying, "April showers bring May flowers."
to give rise to

Language Lab
bloom v. 開花
- Cherry blossoms bloomed all over the hillside.
大量出現, 繁榮興盛
- The country's economy has bloomed in the past decade.
 n. 花朵
- The tree was covered with white blooms.
1 [uncountable and countable] a flower or flowers
2 in (full) bloom with the flowers fully open
3 [singular,uncountable] the healthy happy appearance that someone has, especially when they are young

back to life
to make someone or some living creature come back to life.

frontier n. 邊境, 邊界 (front 前面)
the border of a country
- The frontier between the countries is heavily guarded by troops.
- There're just a few stations on the northwestern frontier.

practical joke n.
a trick that is intended to give someone a surprise or shock, or to make them look stupid

awareness n.  [noncount]
knowledge or understanding of a particular subject or situation;
the ability to notice something using your senses
- Recently, there has been an increasing awareness of teenage on-line game addiction.
aware adj.
if you are aware that a situation exists, you realize or know that it exists
- I'm quite aware of the risks I'm taking.

innocence n.天真, 純真
the fact of being not guilty of a crime;
lack of experience of life or knowledge of the bad things in the world
- You can still see a child's innocence in his eyes even though he may be over 30.
- The lawyer successfully proved that his clients is innocent.


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