Races around the world push runners to their limits
As exhausted runner raced into the Greek city of Athens. It was 490 B.C. The man had come from the town of Marathon to deliver a message: The Greeks had won a battle against an attacking army. The runner reached Athens and shouted, "Greetings, we win!" before falling down, dead.This story may or may not be true. However, because of it, people run 42,195-meter races - the distance between Marathon and Athens. These athletic events are called marathons.The first marathon, held in 1896, was a selection race for the first modern Olympics. It had about a dozen runners. But more races, including the Olympic marathon, soon followed. The next year, the first annual marathon was run in Boston, Massachusetts, USA. Today about 800 marathons take place in cities every year.
Location, location, location
Running a marathon is extremely difficult. But some runners can enjoy the sights as they go. Marathons in Paris and London take runners past these famous cities' most impressive landmarks.
Info Cloud
marathon 1908年的倫敦夏季奧運,當跑者跑進奧運閉幕會場之後,會在奧運會場內繞一圈,最後終點落在英國國王的看台正前方。總長度為26英哩又385碼(等同26.22英哩或者42.195公里)。倫敦奧運的這段軼事,確為現代馬拉松競賽標準長度之濫觴。
Language Lab
exhaust v.使精疲力盡;耗盡
exhausted adj.精疲力竭的
exhausting adj.令人筋疲力盡的
* The long hours of training really exhausted the students.
* Karl was exhausted by the end of the day.
* We had an exhausting schedule in Paris.
greeting n.問候、致意
* People in the park exchange greeting in the morning.
* His warm and friendly greetings delight everyone.
location n.地點
locate v.設立、建立
* The location of the restaurant is near a college.
* The company's headquarters are located in Minnesota.
landmark n.地標;里程碑
* The Empire State Building is one of New York most famous landmark.
* Studying abroad is an important landmark in life for Gina.
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