The meaning of this famous Yankees catcher and manager's words is simple: Never give up. There is always time for a comeback in baseball. In 2010, the Colorado Rockies were down six runs against the St. Louis Cardinals. Determination pushed them to score nine points at the bottom of the ninth for the win. We often stop trying when we think we know what the ending will be. With the right attitude, we can still succeed even when it doesn't seem likely.
Baseball fan or not, you can still learn from some of the greats. An understanding of their careers shows that it's not all triples and no-hitters. These players found life principles throughout the great American sport they gave their lives to. In their eyes, baseball was much more than a leather ball and a wooden stick.
As columnist George Will wrote, "Baseball, it is said, is only a game. True. And the Grand Canyon is only a hole in Arizona."
Info Cloud
principle 原則 / principal 校長
Do not confuse principle with principal.
二個字發音一樣, 字尾卻不同
- the principal is your pal
pal 是朋友的意思, principal 的字尾是pal,
所以要記得 校長是你的朋友,就會容易記得了
life principle 生活的原則
Language Lab
ain't isn't
a short form of 'am not', 'is not', 'are not', 'has not', or 'have not', that many people think is incorrect;
usage Ain't is usually regarded as an error, but it is common in the very informal speech of some people and it is also used in informal and humorous phrases.
comeback n. 反敗為勝, 東山再起
- That 70s band is making a comeback with their latest album.
- The team made a comeback late in the game to win the championship.
2 a quick reply that is often clever, funny, and insulting
3 a way of getting payment or a reward for something wrong or unfair that has been done to you
determination n.意志, 決心
- His determination and diligence made him a great athlete.
1 [uncountable]
3 [countable] formal
determine v. 決定, 下決心
to officially decide something
- Kelly determined to finish college in two years.
Kelly 決心在二年內完成大學學業
leather n.皮革 adj. 皮製的
a leather jacket 皮夾克
leather boots 皮靴
a leather sofa 皮沙發
columnist n.專欄作家
someone who writes articles, especially about a particular subject, that appear regularly in a newspaper or magazine
- Dave is a well-renowned political columnist.
Dave 是一位很有名的政治專欄作家
- He's a columnist for the local paper.
column 專欄 [字尾n不發音]
Peterson writes a regular column in this famous magazine.
Grand Canyon
the Grand Canyona very large, deep gorge (=a steep-sided valley cut by a river) in the US state of Arizona
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