Friday, April 5, 2013

Orioles Pitcher Chen Wei-Yin (2)

Eye on the ball
Chen's parents weren't always the biggest fans of him throwing baseballs around, regardless of how big their neighborhood alley was. One too many broken windows, bruises on grandma and a big brother's black eye caused Chen's family to clamp down on his ball-throwing activities. Still, his mother saw some sense in letting him play ball in the club at school. By the time he was in high school, Chen's dream of joining the major leagues began to form.

Playing with the big boys
That dream became a reality in 2012. However, he received a rude awakening on April 10, 2012, during his MLB start, which was a game against the Yankees. Derek Jeter, the first batter, hit a home run! While the Orioles lost that game, Chen had the most wins, game appearances and strikeouts of any pitcher for the Orioles last season. Not to mention their entry into the playoffs - a feat they hadn't accomplished since 1997 - came after he was on board. "My responsibility ... is to make every pitch my best. My ultimate goal is to do the best for my team in every game." His reputation as "a man you can trust" has definitely been well-earned.

Info Cloud
fan n.迷  fans粉絲(複數)
- I am your fan. 我是你的粉絲
- Chen's parents weren't always the biggest fans of him throwing baseballs around.
groupie n. 狂熱追隨者;追星族 [比較口語:迷哥, 迷姊]
an admirer of a celebrity who attends as many of his or her public appearances as possible 

Language Lab
regardless of [preposition phrases介系詞片語]不管、不顧、不論
without being stopped or affected by (something)
- We will finish the project regardless of how much time it takes us.
- These rescuers will climb to the top of the mountain regardless of the danger.

clamp down on [phrasal verb]  強力的限制、壓制
to take firm action to stop a particular type of crime
clamp v.緊抓住
to put or hold something in a position so that it cannot move
- The governor's attempt to clamp down on smuggling didn't succeed.
- The school's effort to clamp down on drop-outs really worked.

feat n.功績、英勇事跡
- The police officer received a medal because of his heroic feat.
- The manager accomplished a marvelous feat by raising the sales figures 4% within 3 months.

ultimate adj.最終的、終極的
- The ultimate goal of the course is to help trainees develop a healthy life style.
- Winning a medal at the Olympic Games is his ultimate challenge.


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