Life is like baseball
Baseball and the U.S. have a long history together. The sport is so popular that it's even called America's Favorite Pastime. Baseball is an endless source of entertainment for the American public. But the love of the game goes deeper than that. Baseball is so much a part of America's identity that many find lessons on the diamond.
"A baseball game is simply a nervous breakdown divided into nine innings." – Earl Wilson
For this successful 1960s pitcher, there was a lot of pressure. Everyone on and off the field watches the player at bat. He has three tries to hit a ball flying toward him at 80 miles per hour. Instead of thinking about failing, it's important to focus on the task at hand. Whether a batter or an office worker, only you can control your own performance. Don't let the fear of things you can't change defeat you.
Grammar Gym
endless source of => constantly creating
- Baseball is an endless source of entertainment for the American public.
- Paula's poor spending habits became an endless source of headaches for her family.
- This new computer program claims to offer an endless source of educational games that can be used in the classroom.
Info Cloud
ballpark n.棒球場(或簡稱park)Fenway Park波士頓紅襪隊球場
- He knocked one out of the ballpark.
- The ball was in the ballpark.
ballpark figure ph.大約、大略估計
Language Lab
pastime n.消遣、休閒、娛樂
* Scuba diving is one of Jason's favorite pastimes.
- Soccer is the national pastime of Brazil.
- Tanya gave up her pastime just to look after her parents.
identity n.身分、身分認同identify v.認出、認同
- The identity of the suspect is still uncertain.
- The team lacks a collective identity.
- She couldn't identify the robber who had taker her purse.
nervous breakdown精神崩潰
- When Sally got divorced, she had a nervous breakdown.
- A bad break-up and financial stress caused Tim's nervous breakdown.
defeat v. n.擊敗、戰勝
- The Houston Rockets defeated the Los Angeles Lakers 102 to 98.
- The humiliating defeat completely crushed the team's morale.
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