Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Enchanting Venice (2)

In the square outside the Basilica, lovers of literature can sit at Caffe Florian, regarded as the oldest coffee house in Eurpoe. Charles Dickens, Henry James as well as Lord Byron enjoyed the aromatic drink here.

Venetian Activities 
Art lovers should buy a museum pass and visit some of the city's exceptional museums. They can view works by Venetian masters like Giovanni Bellini, Titian and Tintoretto.

Murano Glass and Burano Lace
In the Venetian Lagoon, the island of Murano has been home to glassmakers since 1291. Tourists can visit factories, studios and the Glass Museum. Glass artists produce everything from simple souvenir pieces to beautiful works of contemporary art.

Only glass works made using traditional methods on Murano Island can be called Murano Glass. The nearby island of Burano is famous for lace making and colorful houses. Looking at the colorful houses and kaleidoscopic streets makes people feel as if they are waling in a fairy tale.

Language Lab
aromatic adj.
having a noticeable and pleasant smell
- The beef turned aromatic after being simmered for 30 minutes.
- The aromatic herb can refresh you in no time.

exceptional adj.
unusually good : much better than average
- The actor has an exceptional ability to attract attention.
- The company's exceptional marketing strategies made them number 1 in the field.

contemporary adj.
happening or beginning now or in recent times
- Samuel doesn't like any classical art; he's more interested in contemporary art.
- Picasso was more famous than many other contemporary artists.

kaleidoscope adj.
a mixture of many different things
- The fashion designer used a kaleidoscopic range of fabrics in his winter collection.


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