Friday, October 30, 2015

Salon du Chocolat (1)

Chocoholics unite in Paris to celebrate their favorite food

The human race has found ways to celebrate just about everything the world has to offer – culture, history, art. Even a few beloved foods are given their due, not least of all chocolate, honored at the Salon du Chocolat.

Learn chocolate
At last year’s Salon, the chocolate trade show observed its 20th year with a program called “Chocolate, a Universal Heritage.” The Salon has made its way to 30 international cities over the years, but its main event always occurs in Paris.

The world gathered in Paris for the Salon and enjoyed over 200 exhibits from around the globe. In addition, chefs educated audiences with their recipes and tricks of the trade, showing there is no end to the possibilities of chocolate.

Win chocolate 
With so many experts in a room, it’s impossible to avoid some healthy competition among the world’s top chocolatiers. The Chocolate Awards are distributed annually at the Salon while several cake-building competitions took place last year as well. Invited chocolate bloggers also had their recipes judged by professionals in the first Inter-Bloggers e-Cup.

Info Cloud
For centuries, the French government has spent much money, time and effort promoting and protecting the French language. The main threat being, of course English.

Historically, the French has been quite antagonistic towards English. The attitude was neatly expressed in 2006 when France’s then president Jacques Chirac promised to stop the spread of English around the world and especially in France.

Easier said than done. Consider this, starting in 2018 one of France’s most prestigious private schools, the National School of Administration made the unprecedented move of making fluent English mandatory for a mission.

One school spokesman said that graduates would need fluent English to cope with their future roles as world leaders. Now Chirac can’t be too pleased about that.

I’m sure he is not. Now more news, that French is yielding to English comes from the world entertainment, verse side a historical TV drama about French King Louis the XIV is not just the most expensive French television show ever made.

It’s the first French historical drama made by French producers in France that was filmed completely in English.

Amazing. French television executive did the unthinkable.They bowed to English in order to game a bigger global audience and make more money.

Language Lab
chocoholic n.
a person who likes to eat chocolate very much
- My husband is a chocoholic. No chocolates will remain in my fridge overnight.
workaholic n.
a person who chooses to work a lot : a person who is always working, thinking about work, etc.

heritage n.
the traditions, achievements, beliefs, etc., that are part of the history of a group or nation — usually singular
- The festival is to celebrate the rich musical heritage of the Hakka.
- Italians take great pride in their cultural heritage.
- Athens has a rich historical and sporting heritage.

trick of the trade 
a quick or clever way of doing something that you have learned usually as part of your job
- Let me show you a little trick of the trade.
- a mystery writer who knows all the tricks of his trade
- Stewart's father takes him on business trips to show him the tricks of the trade.
- It takes years to learn the tricks of the trade in the jewelry business.

blogger n.
- Irene is a well-known blogger who frequently shares her creative recipes.
blog n.
a Web site on which someone writes about personal opinions, activities, and experiences
- The writer communicates a lot with his readers on his blog.

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