Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Here Comes the Bride (2)

The Cake
Western weddings usually include a large cake beautifully decorated with white frosting. Mexican wedding cakes have their own special recipe that includes nuts and dried fruit.

In Peru, the cake can determine who will be the next to marry. Charms attached to ribbons are placed between the layers of the cake. Each single woman grabs a ribbon and pulls. Whoever pulls out a charm that looks like a ring will be the next bride.

The Traditions
In Lebanon, friends and family begin the wedding outside the groom’s house. They sing, dance and shout before traveling with him to the bride’s home. Traditional weddings in Morocco lasted seven days. The first three days are used for preparation, and the ceremony happened on the fourth. Celebrations continued for the rest of the week.

Every country has its own traditions. But wherever you’re from, a wedding is an event worth celebrating!

Info Cloud
Teaching Topic: Having and Eating Cake「有」蛋糕與「吃」蛋糕不可兼得
Let’s say you have some money saved up, and you really want to buy a car. But after you buy your car, you’d have no money left.

Sounds familiar? Well that’s often how life works. It has its tradeoffs. If you want a car, you’re probably going to give up some of your savings.

And if you want to keep that money, then you would still be wishing for a new car.

This is an example of the expression, "you can’t have your cake and eat it too." In other words, you can’t have it both ways.

Very often in life, we find that we can’t have it all, so we’re forced to give something up in order to get something else that we think is more desirable.

Now this idiom is quite common and worth knowing, but to many people it’s very confusing.

It is. So, try reversing the idiom's order and see if this helps. You can't eat your cake and still have it. Because once you eat it, it's gone.

Now, that makes perfect sense.

Language Lab
frosting n.
a sweet, creamy mixture that is used to cover cakes
- The chocolate frosting on the cake is so delicious.
icing n.
- She spread peanut-butter icing on the cupcakes.

charm n.
something that is believed to have magic powers and especially to prevent bad luck;
a small object that is worn on a chain or bracelet
- Many baseball players love to keep good luck charms to feel more confident.
- The charms on Laura's bracelet are gifts from her friends.
a quality that causes someone or something to be very likeable : an attractive quality
- The actress has a special charm.

groom n.
a man who has just married or is about to be married
- The bride and the bridegroom were childhood sweethearts.
- The groom was almost late for the ceremony because his car broke down.

preparation n.
the activity or process of making something ready or of becoming ready for something
- The failure of the campaign is due to poor preparation.
preparations [plural] : things that are done to make something ready or to become ready for something
- We need to make preparations for the trip in advance.


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