Saturday, January 4, 2014

Winter Wonderland (2)

Despite these troubles, snow can also be exciting, especially if you love to ski. I remember when we went to Colorado for a ski camp years ago. We started by attending a beginners' class. We learned how to slide, stop, turn and get up after a fall.

The coach also introduced us to the gear. The boots were so heavy that I couldn't walk steadily. Then we learned how to use the poles to change direction or stop.

The beginners' class was full of kids under 8. They moved so fast and learned so quickly that we adults could hardly catch up. My husband was brave enough to try the challenging "black-diamond trail," which is usually steep and not groomed. As for me, I stayed on the beginners' hill for a little while. Then I went inside to sip my sweet hot chocolate. I sat back and enjoyed the natural beauty of the snow. It was a once-in-a-life time experience.

Info Cloud
Connecticut 康乃迪克州(印第安語, 在一條長長的河流旁)
Vermont 佛蒙特州(法語, 綠色的山)
New Jersey 紐澤西州(源自Jersey island in English Channel)
Colorado 科羅拉多州(西班牙文, 被塗成紅色colored red, 因為有很多紅色石頭)
California 加利福尼亞州(一本 16 世紀西班牙文小說中的天堂)

Grammar Gym
As for me, I stayed on the beginners' hill for a little while.
as for me: for my part
- Everyone wanted to go out and play. As for me, I was happy to stay at home.
- My teammates all thought the proposal was a bad idea. As for me, I think we should give it a try.

Language Lab
ski v.
past tense and past participle skied, present participle skiing, third person singular skis
to move on skis for sport or in order to travel on snow or water
- Joyce went skiing with her family last weekend.
- Wesley skied a lot when he was in college.
ski n.
a long thin narrow piece of strong material, fastened under a small vehicle so that it can travel on snow
- These skis were made from an extra-light material.

steadily adv.
/ˈstɛdəli/ adverb [more steadily; most steadily]
- The racecar accelerated steadily.
- The tent held steadily even in the strong wind.
steady adj.
continuing or developing gradually or without stopping, and not likely to change
- The company's sales grew at a steady rate.

groom v.
to prepare someone for an important job or position in society by training them over a long period;
to take care of your own appearance by keeping your hair and clothes clean and tidy
- The ski runs have been groomed for the big tournament tomorrow.
- The girls spent hours grooming for the prom

sip v.
past tense and past participle sipped, present participle sipping
to drink something slowly, taking very small mouthfuls
- Annie sipped her coffee slowly because it was very hot.
sip n.
a very small amount of a drink
- Natalie took a sip of her tea to calm down.


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