Monday, January 6, 2014

The World's Best Winter Festivals (1)

Enjoy the season at these winter celebrations
全球最棒的冬季慶典  參加冬日慶典來享受這個季節  by Jo Wuertz  

It’s January, which means it’s time for coats and mittens and chilly weather. While many of us are bracing ourselves for the cold weeks ahead, in some cities winter is the “hottest” season of all. So take a look at this list of awesome winter festivals.

Harbin International Ice and Snow Sculpture Festival 
Located in northeast China with temperatures as low as -30 degrees Celsius, Harbin knows winter. Every year, from January 5 until the end of February, tourists flock to Harbin to experience its famous winter festival. The festival began officially in the 1980s, but even before then, Harbin enjoyed a thriving winter tourism season.

Tourists loved seeing the ice lanterns, a tradition which began during the Qing dynasty. Ice lanterns began as a simple tool to provide light in the bleak winter months, but today they are elaborate sculptures illuminated with colored lights. There’s plenty to see and do at this winter wonderland. Visitors can tour the world’s largest indoor ice and snow art museum at the Sun Island Park or wander around the frozen exhibitions at Zhaolin Park. Besides ice and snow sculptures, there are winter sports competitions to check out and fairs to explore.

Info Cloud
Teaching Topic: Quotation Marks and Air Quotes
Quotation Marks 引號, 也可以稱為 Quotes
還可以用來反諷 irony, 也就是跟字面上的意思不同
今天的話文: winter is the “hottest” season of all
hottest放在引號裡面, 表示這個字並不是用來表達熱,

另外, 外國人講話的時候, 常常會舉雙手, 彎曲食指和中指,
這個動做叫做 Air Quotes, 代表的就是引號,
我們在說話的時候, 可以用引號來代表我們講的每一個字並不是字面上單純的意思
- He said he was "busy."
這裡的busy打一個air quotes就代表你根本不認為他真的busy, 是他自己認為的

Grammar Gym
The festival began officially in the 1980s, but even before then, Harbin enjoyed a thriving winter tourism season.

Language Lab
brace v. 為了面對不好的事, 或困難的事做好準備
to get ready for something difficult or unpleasant [no obj] (chiefly US) — usually + for
- People are bracing themselves for a very strong hurricane.
- You better brace yourself for the test results.
面對考試的結果, 你最好要有心裡準備
brace v. 支撐, 加固
to give added physical support or strength to (something)
- The poles of the bridge need to be braced.

awesome adj. 令人敬畏的; 令人驚奇的 [awe-驚嘆, 敬畏]
causing feelings of fear and wonder : causing feelings of awe
- I was amazed by the awesome view of the lake.
- The director was awarded for his awesome achievements in the movie industry.

illuminate v. 照亮, 點亮
to make a light shine on something, or to fill a place with light
- The exterior of the building was illuminated by LED lights.
illumination n.
lighting provided by a lamp, light etc
- The illumination in the classroom is too dark for students to study.

check out [phrasal verb] 看看, 試一試
to look at (something or someone) in order to find problems, mistakes, etc.
to look at (someone or something that is attractive or interesting)
— often used in the phrase check it out to direct someone's attention to something
- A book store just opened yesterday. Want to check it out?
有一間書店昨天開幕, 要不要去看一看?
to leave and pay for your room at a hotel, motel, etc. 旅館的退房, 出院
- We checked out of the hotel at noon.


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