Do you have to start at a four-year university?
Before we moved to the U.S., we did some research regarding the children's future studies. My elder daughter, Michelle, had just graduated from high school. What would be her best choice for a college education? After much discussion, we decided on community college.
Why did we make this choice? Many think community colleges are only for senior citizens after retirement. Well, yes and no. Most community colleges provide lifelong learning opportunities for people from all walks of life. They offer some non-credit course like art and computer skills for those interested in personal enrichment.
But in America, a community college is also a perfect place to earn an associate's degree. You can also get a certificate for a career or improve your job skills. And you can transfer credits to a four-year university.
My daughter's goal is to pursue a bachelor's degree. She plans to take the necessary general education courses in community college in two years. Then she will transfer to a four-year university.
Info Cloud
yes and no 是, 但是不盡然
當我們問一個問題時, 通常回答是Yes/No,
但如果對方回答yes and no 那又是什麼意思呢
今天課文說到, 許多社區大學, 只收退休後的人,
作者接著說 Well, yes and no. ( 是, 但是不盡然)
意思就是你所說的只有部份正確, 但也有不正確的地方,
因此當你聽到回答是yes and no 的時候, 後面就會接著更詳盡的回答
Grammar Gym
all walks of life:
people from all social, economic, or ethnic groups
- Most community colleges provide lifelong learning opportunities for people from all walks of life.
- At any major international airport, you can see people from all walks of life.
- Going to the public park is a great place to see people from all walks of life.
Language Lab
credit n. 學校的學分
a unit that measures a student's progress towards earning a degree in a school, college, etc.
- English Literature counts as four credits toward your degree.
就學位來看, 英國文學這堂課算四個學分
- The aerobic course is a non-credit course.
- Roy already has two credits in art history.
Roy 已經修了藝術歷史的二個學分的課
enrichment n. 豐富, 充實 [noncount]
- Thomas sees traveling as an enrichment of life.
Thomas 視旅遊為人生充實的方式
enrich v. 使...豐富, 使...充實
to make (someone) rich or richer
to improve the quality of (something) : to make (something) better
- Painting really enriched my life. It opened up a new world to me.
繪畫使我的人生更豐富, 它為我開啟了一個新的世界
degree 學位
associate's degree 大專學位, 二年制
bachelor's degree 四年制學士學位
- One of the job requirements is an associate's degree in accounting.
certificate n.職照, 職業證明
/sɚˈtɪfɪkət/ (注意a的發音)
a document that is official proof that something has happened
birth certificate 出生證明
marriage certificate 結婚證書
certification n. 認證
- The certification of the applicants' qualifications takes about a week.
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