Friday, July 12, 2013

Mysteries of the Mind (1)

Scientists are still trying to discover the secrets behind human minds

Scientists have taught us astounding facts about the world. But they haven't been able to explain the things we experience every day.

Laughter is one form of communication that transcends culture and language. It's a natural response that even young children have. Yet scientists are not sure exactly what causes people to laugh or what function laughter  plays. It may be a playful response to things that run contrary to people's expectations. Or laughter may have a social function of signaling that something is said in fun, not seriously.

People have an amazing ability to recall everything from mathematical facts to their morning routines to the smell of their favorite meal. Scientists think memory storage involves connections between brain cells. Memories may even affect the physical structures of human brains!

Human minds differentiate short-term and long-term memories. But scientists still don't have a complete explanation of how this process works. They also don't know how people retrieve their memories. When most people hear their best friend's name, they picture the person instantly.

The ability to recall things so quickly is amazing - and unexplained.

Info Cloud 
Laughter is the best medicine.

It's kind of funny. Scientist are still trying to discover the purpose of laughter.

But it's really no mystery. Laughter exists for our physical, mental, and emotional health.

Physically, laughter relaxes our whole body. It helps us fight infections. It decreases pain and heart disease. And, fifteen minutes of laughter a day can actually help us lose weight.

Mentally laughter reduces stress, anxiety, and fear. It improves our mood and energizes our brain.

Emotionally, laughter helps us keep a positive outlook through difficult situations, disappointments, and loss.

Whoever invented the idiom, "laughter is the best medicine", certainly knew what they were talking about.

Amazing right. Another great thing about laughter is that its benefits stay with us long after the joke is over.

Laughing by ourselves is good, but laughing with others is even better. Laughter strengthens relationships, enhances teamwork, and helps defuse conflict. Look closely at any healthy marriage, and your're sure to find some laughter.

Legendary actor, Charlie Chaplin once said, a day without laughter, is a day wasted.

So friends, if you haven't laughed yet today, get out there and have a good laugh. It's good for you.

Grammar Gym
It may be a playful response to things that run contrary to people's expectations. 
to run contrary to: to go against

- The advertisement campaign had to be changed because it ran contrary to the company's core values.
- Although everything the tourists did today ran contrary to their travel itinerary, they still had a wonderful time.

Language Lab
astound v.使震驚
to cause a feeling of great surprise or wonder in (someone)
- The news of the plane crash astounded the whole nation.
astounding adj. 使人震驚或訝異的 [astound現在分詞當形容詞]
- The effects of the treatments are quite astounding.

transcend v.  超越 [trans 字首-轉換]
to rise above or go beyond the normal limits of (something)  
- Loyalty to the country should always transcend personal benefits.
- The movie talks about how love can transcend hatred and discrimination.

differentiate v. 分辨, 區分 [分辨哪二樣東西用 介系詞 between]
 to make (someone or something) different in some way ;
to see or state the difference or differences between two or more things [no obj] — often + between
- Patrick can't differentiate between imagination and reality.
Patrick 沒有辦法分辨想像和現實
[要把某件事從裡面分出來 介系詞 from]
- Helen's confidence differentiated her from other models.
Helen 的自信讓她從其他的模特兒中脫穎而出

retrieve v. 取回, 恢復, 搜尋 [字首-回來]
to get and bring (something) back from a place  
- The software helps you retrieve a database more effectively.
- Leon went back to the restaurant to retrieve his coat.
Leon 回到餐廳拿回他的外套



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