Monday, March 25, 2013

The Art of Mime (2)

In the mid - 1500s mime became a form of street performance in Italy. Mimes wore masks and acted out comedies. Because masks hid their faces, they could make fun of any aspect of society. Everyone enjoyed those performances - young and old, rich and poor.

Mimes also traveled around Europe. Because their art had no words, there was no language barrier. Mime became especially popular in France. French performers created famous mime characters like Pierrot and Bip. These characters helped shape today's mime.

Mime like a pro
Want to try mime? Try communicating only through body language; no talking allowed. Watch people's facial expressions and gestures closely and practice copying them. Create a story to act out - this will be more interesting to your audience. No props? No worries! You can create anything you need out of thin air. The most important thing is to believe your illusion. If you believe it's real, your audience will, too!

Info Cloud
no worries = no problem = that's all right! 別擔心、沒問題
good on you = well done 表示讚賞、很好、太棒啦!
barie = barbecue 烤肉
outback 偏僻蠻荒的內陸地區過去十幾年,有許多澳洲電影或影集進軍美國,
因此一些澳洲俚語也引進美國,例如:no worries, good on you, barie, outback..etc.

Language Lab
performance n.演出
- The actor's brilliant performance won him several awards.
performer n.演出者
- He's a world - renowned classical music performer.

barrier n.障礙、阻礙;柵欄、關卡
- The couple conquered their age barrier and finaly got married.
- The officer checks the papers of everyone who passes the barrier.
1 a rule, problem etc that prevents people from doing something, or limits what they can do
2 a type of fence or gate that prevents people from moving in a particular direction
3 a physical object that keeps two areas, people etc apart
4 a level or amount of 10 seconds, 40% etc, that is seen as a limit which it is difficult to get beyond

prop n. 道具
an object that is used by a performer or actor or that is used to create a desired effect in a scene on a stage, in a movie, etc.
- The play company does their own props.
- The props for this scene are a table, a chair and a vase.
- The props used in the movie were donated to a fund - raising auction.

out of thin air (idiom)無中生有、憑空出現
used to say that someone or something appears in a sudden and unexpected way
- The fairy appeared out of thin air in Cinderella's room.
- I can't come up with such a large amount of money out of thin air.


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