Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Difficulties in German (2)

I had enrolled in four classes - literature, grammar, reading and writing, and history. All were in German and difficult, but the history lecture was the worst. The professor spoke fast; almost everything he said flew right over my head. I sat in the front, took notes and even recorded the lectures, but nothing helped. I had no idea what the class was about.

At the end of the semester, I summoned all of my courage and asked my history professor for a form saying I'd attended the class. He said yes and told all the foreign students who wanted this form to meet at his office at a certain time. I'd like to say I got the form and took it back to my university for class credit... but I didn't.

I was too afraid to be in his office and reveal how little I could really understand. I was sure I was the only one in the class at such a low level. So I flaked and skipped the meeting. Years have passed, but I still remember how it felt to struggle so hard at learning another language. I think my failures that semester taught me just as much as my successes.

Info Cloud
How we can improve our English. Practice, practice, practice!
Practice makes perfect.
reading, speaking, writing
本課作者分享學德文的挫折, 其實很多人學英文也有類似的經驗,
到底要如何才能把英文學好, 閱讀是很重要的!
但不要以為學英文只能用英文教科書, 其實學英文可以閱讀任何有興趣的書籍,
每一天讀一點, 比一個星期讀很多還好,
讀的時候如有果有看不懂的單子, 可以去查單字, 但不要背單子, 要活用單字!

Language Lab
over (one's) head 
beyond your understanding or ability  超過自己的頭, 引申為超過自己的理解範圍能力
- What the science teacher taught today went over our heads.
- The philosophy lecture this morning was too hard. It went right over my head.
早上的哲學講座太深奧了, 我根本就聽不懂

summon v.
to order someone to come to a place 召喚
- After hiking, I couldn't even summon up the strength to take a shower. I fall asleep on the couch.
爬山之後, 我連洗澡的力量都沒有, 就在沙發上睡覺了
to try very hard to have enough of something such as courage, energy, or strength, because you need it 請求
- George summoned up all his courage and proposed to his girlfriend.
George 鼓起所有的勇氣跟女朋友求婚

reveal v.
to make known something that was previously secret or unknown [≠ conceal];
to show something that was previously hidden [≠ conceal]

flake / flake out [phrasal verb] 臨時取消約會, 臨陣脫逃
to do something strange, or to not do what you said you would do
to cancel previously agreed upon plans last minute, or simply not show up
- Wesley promised to host the banquet, but he flaked and didn't even show up.
Wesley 答應會主持宴會, 但他臨時爽約, 也沒出席
flake n. 碎片, 薄片
corn flakes 玉米片
flakes of paint 剝落的油漆碎片

skip v. to not do something that you usually do or that you should do [= miss] 略過 
past tense and past participle skipped, present participle skipping
- Charlie skipped school and went to a movie today.
Charlie 今天沒去上課跑去看電影
- Molly skipped breakfast because she got up too late.
Molly 因為她太晚起床沒吃早餐


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