This amazing young basketball player is taking the game and her life to a new level
Success seems to find Maya Moore everywhere she goes. But life
hasn’t been a bed of roses for Maya and her biggest supporter, her
mother. The path to success required a lot of hard work and sacrifice.
More than teammates
Maya discovered her love of basketball in 1997 at the age of 8. That
was the year the WNBA (Women’s National Basketball Association) began
holding games. The young girl watched WNBA star Cynthia Cooper play in
the Olympics. Maya dreamed that she, too, could one day compete in the
Three years later her mother, Kathryn, was offered a better job
in North Carolina. Kathryn decided to make the move from Missouri
because North Carolina provided greater basketball opportunities.
Sadly, in under two months the company downsized, and Kathryn lost her
job. She remembers, “It was a bad, bad time.”
Maya says the difficulties brought them closer, and she praises her
mom. “She’s more than a teammate. I know she’s going to be on my side.”
Info Cloud
be on my side 支持我
- I know she's going to be on my side.
- I'm in your corner.
- I got your back.
- I've got you covered.
Language Lab
bed of roses [idiom] 稱心如意
a place or situation that is pleasant or easy — usually used in negative statements
本意指美麗芬芳的玫瑰花床獻給心愛的人兒,另說由來最早是相傳古希臘城邦的錫巴利人民(Sybarite)富有而奢侈;他們總把玫瑰花瓣撒在床上睡覺,生活可說美好致極, 故把 a bed of roses 引申為安逸舒適的環境。然而,仙境人生幾回有,故本成語常常以否定句存在(no bed of roses) ,表示人生並非事事能如意。
- Marriage isn't always a bed of roses. It takes patience and perseverance.
- It is definitely no bed of roses to manage such a big staff.
association n.協會
an organized group of people who have the same interest, job, etc.
NBA(National Basketball Association)美國職籃聯盟
TVA(Taiwan Visitors' Association)台灣觀光協會
associate v.聯合、聯想、聯繫
- People tend to associate entertainers with extravagant lifestyles.
hold v.
to cause (a meeting, class, sale, etc.) to take place
one day
at some time in the future; on a day in the past
opportunity n.機會、良機
an amount of time or a situation in which something can be done :chance
- This homestay program gives students opportunities to study abroad.
downsize v.減少、縮編、縮小規模、縮減開支
to make (something) smaller [+ obj]
down 往下/size 大小
- The company's stock price dropped 5% when the president announced the decision to downsize.
- Once their children leave home, many couples downsize from a big house to something smaller.
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