8. Are there paid, ongoing learning opportunities offered at my level of job responsibility? What obligations do I have if I elect to take advantage of them?
9. What does the company expect in the way of personal and professional growth for a person hired into this position?
10. Does the company value a difference in work and personal time, or does it blur the responsibilities between the two?
Think about your goals first
Don't feel obligated to walk into the interview with a set number of questions, but these give you an idea of the right questions to ask.
Also think of the questions in terms of your carrer and personal goals. If you're moving into a role with more responsibility how will that affect what questions you ask? If you're starting a family soon,
what do you want to know about the company's commitment to work/life balance? Thoughtful planning and preparation for an interview will not only help you feel more confident but will also leave a great impression on the person interviewing you.
Info Cloud
turnover 字面上是翻轉的意思, 用於企業組織就是人事上的變動,
turnover rate 員工的離職率
在面試的時候, 我們可以詢問面試關 What is your turnover rate at your company?
答案如果沒有超過15% 那就是可以接受的 是一間正常的公司
如果過高的話 表示這間公司有問題
Language Lab
ongoing adj. 持續進行的, 不間斷的
* The ongoing news coverage of the scandal attracted a lot of attention.
* The negotiations of both companies are still ongoing after months.
經過了幾個月的時間, 這二家公司的協商仍在進行中
blur v. 使模糊不清, 難以區分
過去式, 過去分詞, 現在分詞 - 都要字尾重覆加上red/ring- blurred/ blurring
* The heavy rain blurred his sight, so he drove very slowly.
大雨讓他看不清楚, 所以開車開的很慢
* I think you're blurring the distinction between "means" and "ends".
in terms of something [phrase] 就某一方面而言
trem 條款, 條件
* In terms of quality, our products are unbeatable.
就品質而言, 我們的產品是所項無敵的
* In terms of a career, he's quite successful, but in terms of family, he's not.
就事業而言他非常成功, 就家庭而言就不是如此了
thoughtful adj. 深思熟慮的, 經過認真推敲的
1. serious and quiet because you are thinking
2. done or made after careful thinking
3. showing concern for the needs or feelings of other people
thought 思想
* Don went thougth thoughtful consideration before he decided to quit.
Don在辭職之前, 經過了深思熟慮的考量
thoughtful 細心的
* It was very thoughtful of you to call.
obligate v.使負義務; 強使
[+ obj] : to make (a person or organization) do something because the law requires it or because it is the right thing to do
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