I still feel like you're mooching off the restaurant.
If they don't want people to stay awhile in the restaurant, why do they offer free Wi-Fi?
Well, it's for paying customres.
That's what I'm saying.
I'm a paying customer - I bought a drink. I'm also a regular.
It's not like I'm trying to get a free lunch!
But you only bought one drink and you finished it a long time ago!
Are you saying you would be more comfortable sitting here if I had a pile of trash stacked around me on the table?
I just don't think the purchase of one drink entitles you to hours of free Wi-Fi, seating and air conditioning.
If you think about it, though, the restaurant is paying for Wi-Fi and air conditioning whether people are here or not.
Frankly, using this table is more environmentally friendly than sitting at home running my air conditioner just for myself.
That's all well and good, but you are still inconveniencing other people when the restaurant is packed.
As far as I am concerned, if my sitting here were a problem, the restaurant wouldn't offer services to bring me here.
Well, I'm going to eat and get out so someone else can have my seat.
Info Cloud
loiter v. 消磨時間, 混!
* No loitering! You must to consider other customers who don't have seat to eat food.
loiterer n.無所事事的人, 遊手好閒的人
* be considerate 為人著想
Grammer Gym
That's all well and good.
=> You mean that although it is good in some ways, it is bad in some ways too (usually + but ).
* Electric heating is all well and good, but what happens if there's a power cut?
Language Lab
mooch v. 索取, 佔便宜
mooch off 佔誰的便宜
* Alex is 30 years old. He should leave home and stop mooching off his parents.
Alex 已經30歲了, 他應該搬離父母的家, 不要再佔父母的便宜了
* Billy tried to mooch a free lunch off me.
Billy 想要我請他吃中飯
stack v. 堆成一疊
* All the books were stacked neatly on the shelves.
* The workers used forklifts to stack the heavy boxes.
stack n. 一疊, 一堆
* The stack of clothes on the floor are waiting to be sorted.
entitle v.
en 有使如何...如何
title 職份, 地位
entitle someone to something 某個人有資格享有某種權利或特權
* A membership entitles you to discount prices and free valet parking.
environmentally adv. 有關環境方面, 就環保的考量
enviornment n. 環境
* The plant is considered to be environmentally hazardous.
environmental adj. 環境的, 環保的
environmental groups 環保團體
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