Knight insisted that the patent should be hers and ended up taking Annan to court. During the case, Annan argued that a woman would not be able to invent such a complex and innovative machine. But Knight provided evidence proving that the device rightfully belonged to her and received the patent in 1871. Knight then founded the Eastern Paper Bag Company, a business that would utilize her new machines. But invention remained her primary work, and Knight didn't limit her ideas to a single industry.
In her lifetime, Knight received at least 27 patents, and some sources claim she invented over eighty devices. These include several machines designed to help with shoe manufacturing, a numbering machine, a clasp, a skirt protector and several improvements to her paper bag machine. She continued inventing things into her sixties, even patenting some designs for rotary engines.
Knight died in 1914, and on her death one newspaper described her as a "woman Edison." At a time when women's intelligence was often underestimated, this mechanical genius proved that women too could develop innovative ideas that would shape the future of manufacturing.
Info Cloud
allusion 典故的運用,
* a woman Edison 這種比寓在文學稱為典故的運用
通常是讀者熟悉的人事物, 介由一個典故, 讀者可以很快的了解作者的描述
也許你沒有聽過Margaret Knight 這個人, 但是大家都知道誰是Edison,
所以用 a woman Edison, 可以讓讀者知道Margaret Knight 是個女發明家
* Waterloo 拿破崙的最後一場戰役
除了人物也可以拿歷史事件來運用, 像Waterloo 是拿破崙的最後一場戰役
在這次戰役當中, 拿破崙澈底的被打敗
* met his Waterloo 慘遭滑鐵盧, 被對手擊敗
當我們說某個候選人: met his Waterloo 就是說慘遭滑鐵盧, 被對手擊敗
illusion 假象
Language Lab
1. innovative adj.創新 革新
* The innovative design of this computer system won several international awards.
innovation n. 改革, 新的方法
* an innovation of telecommunications 電信通計的創新之舉
2. utilize v.利用 運用 使用
uti 這個字根有始用的意思
* The power plant utilizes wind power to generate electricity.
utilization n.
* Howard is skilled in the utilization of different kinds of software.
Howard 運用各種不用的軟體非常得心應用
3. clasp n.
- 拴扣
* The belt's clasp was handmade.
- 緊握, 緊緊的擁抱
* The host of the banquet gave me a warm clasp when he greeted me.
4. underestimate 低估
under 在什麼東西之下
estimate 估計或是估價
* Never underestimate the influence of the media.
underestimation n.
* The underestimation of the raw materials' prices caused serious problems.
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