Ben: So I don't need to do everything myself; I just need to make sure everything gets done?
Bob: Exactly. That could mean hiring employees, but it might also mean
getting an accountant to help keep the books. Then again, it could mean
finding partner companies to outsource certain tasks to.
Ben: How do I do that?
Bob: I would start by checking out government programs that help small
businesses. You should also look at any business incubators in your
Ben: What's a business incubator?
Bob: It's a business or non-profit organization that fosters the
development of new companies. Generally, a business incubator provides
things like consulting, office space, administrative assistance and
financing to help new companies until they can operate on their own.
Ben: That sounds fantastic!
Bob: For many companies it is. Be careful though. Some programs charge
fees, and incubator firms often seek equity in the companies they help.
Ben: So if I take a firm's help, it will own part of my company?
Bob: That's the idea. It invests in your company in hopes that your success will turn a profit for them as well.
Ben: I guess there is no free lunch.
Bob: Except at my hours. Let's get something to eat.
Ben: That sounds great.
Info Cloud
profit n.利潤
non-profit organization非營利組織
charitable organization慈善團體(機構)
charity begins at home(idiom)指先修身齊家,才能治國平天下。
Grammar Gym
* Ben: If I take a firm's help, it will own part of my company?
Bob: That's the idea.
* A: So if we follow the plan, we'll first hike up the mountain and then eat lunch there.
Be: Yes, that's the idea.
* A: By participating in the charitable event, sponsors could also get free publicity, right?
B: That's the idea.
Language Lab
outsource v.委外生產、外包
* The company outsourced their customer service department to a company in India.
* Outsourcing the designs can lower our production cost.
administrative adj.行政的、管理的
administer v.管理、執行
* Frank is not good at administrative jobs.
* It's not an easy task to administer such a corporation.
equity n.公平、公正;股票、股份
* When George retired, he sold his equity in the company.
* Sam's portfolio includes equities and bonds.
free lunch(idiom)白吃的午餐、不須花錢得到的好處。
* There's no such thing as a free lunch in show business.
* I get to go to Japan for 5 days, but I also have to do a presentation in our branch office.
* Well, there's no such thing as a free lunch.
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