Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Life Lessons from Nature (2)

  • Be an encourager
  • Take turns
  • Set a good example
Be an encourager
Some feel that geese honk in flight to encourage those up front to keep up the speed.

Team members should regularly communicate positively with each other while working toward a common goal.

Take turns
The goose out in front has the hardest job as it breaks up the air currents. When it gets tired, it moves behind, and another goose moves into the lead. By sharing the role, the flock can travel great distances.

Teams can benefit from the same idea. Based on their experiences and skills, people can take turns sharing the leadership role.

Set a good example
When geese are on land, if something scares the leader, it might fly off. The flock will then follow. But if the leader remains calm, the gaggle will do the same. Geese and people tend to imitate their leaders.

When leading, we must remember that our actions and emotions are passed on to our followers.

Like geese, when we work together, our burdens are lighter.

Info Cloud
Teaching Topic:Actions Speak Louder Than Words 行動確實勝於空談
Do actions speak louder than words? Absolutely! What we do is more important than what we say. People in leadership positions, politicians, business managers, teachers and parents know this for well.

Yeah, let's face it. No matter who we are, it's very difficult to behave in a way, that's consisted with our words. So to compensate, many of us resort to using the phrase, do as I say, not as I do. Which means don't imitate my behavior but obey my instructions.

Because we pick up our behavior or cues more from watching than we do from listening.

Right, a mother who smokes cigarettes might forbid her child from starting the habit by saying, "do as I say, not as I do".

Often kids don't think about why they do what they do, nor do they think about the consequences of their actions. All they know is they want to behave just like their friends or older siblings.

Sounds like a case of a monkey see monkey do. And, this is a kind of kids saying but it doesn't just apply to kids, adults too. Our guilty of acting like monkeys when they imitate other’s actions without thinking.

Language Lab
honk v.
of a goose : to make a loud sound;
of a horn : to make a loud sound;
- The male goose honked to get the females' attention.
- The bus driver honked to warn the motorcyclist in front of him.
honk n.
the loud sound made by a goose also : a similar loud sound
- The honks of the geese can be heard hundreds of feet away.

current n.
a continuous movement of water or air in the same direction;
a flow of electricity;
- They swam against the current and finally reached the shore.
- The design of the wings can help reduce the impact of the air current.
current adj.
always used before a noun : happening or existing now : belonging to or existing in the present time
- The company's current situation is worse than ever.

gaggle n.
a group of geese : a flock of geese
- The gaggle got so excited when the farmer started feeding them.
- These girls were talking so loud they sounded like a gaggle of geese.
a group of people
- A gaggle of kids passed us by, laughing and jumping.

burden n.
something heavy that is carried : load
someone or something that is very difficult to accept, do, or deal with
- Most parents don't feel that parenting is a big burden.
- Buying a house is a great financial burden for us now.
burden v.
to make (someone) hold or carry something heavy or accept or deal with something difficult : to put a heavy burden on (someone)
- I don't want to burden you with my marital problems.

Monkey see, monkey do!




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