Monday, July 6, 2015

Save Money by Saving Water

A few simple ways to reduce your water bill

Your water bill came in the mail, and it is high! What can you do to lower it?

The power of showers
Take a shower, not a bath. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) says that 113.6 liters of water fill up half a bathtub. The average shower uses about 8 liters per minute. So shower in five minutes and save!
Stop leaks 
Check your faucets and your toilet for leaks. Even a small faucet leak can waste 700 to 950 liters of water every month! Add a few drops of food coloring to your toilet tank, and wait 15 minutes. If the food coloring appears in the bowl before you flush, you have a leak.

Don’t let water run
Instead of running the water when washing your face, fill the sink with water. When you’re washing dishes, fill a bowl with soapy water. After washing the dishes in the bowl, rinse them with running water. Also wash fruit and vegetables in a bowl.When it comes to saving water, small changes can have a big impact.

Info Cloud
Teaching Topic: Bath vs. Shower

Most of us take either a bath or shower every day. The difference, of course, is that a bath is taken by soaking yourself in the bathtub and a shower is taken by standing under a nozzle with water spring down on you.

Notice Steve just said take a bath and take a shower, that’s because he is American. The British, on the other hand, tend to say have a bath, and have a shower.

And when we wash ourselves by taking a bath, we are bathing, which is spelled b-a-t-h-i-n-g.

Right, not [ bˈæθ ing]. Bathing comes from the verb, to bathe, b-a-t-h-e.

Okay, now when talking about swimming, people used to say that they’re going bathing, hence the term “bathing suits”.

Right, a bathing suit is a swimsuit, nowadays however, bathing is seldom used to refer to swimming. It is more common to say, swim, go for a swim, have a swim or go swimming.

Let’s go for a quick swim in the pool. Okay, when bathing is mentioned nowadays, it usually refers to sunbathing, which is sitting or lying out in the sun in order to get a suntan. For example, I might say, “It’s so nice out. I think outgo sunbathing in the park.”


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