Monday, March 31, 2014


3-D printers are opening up new possibilities in the fashion world

Fashion's newest tool, 3-D printing, is expanding options for professionals and amateurs alike. People can design clothing on a computer, input someone's measurements and transmit the pattern to a 3-D printer. The printer lays down layers of material, and new, creative clothing takes shape.

Inspiring the fashion industry 
As early as 2010, designers Iris Van Herpen was displaying 3-D printed dresses and shoes on fashion runways. And recently, Catherine Wales joined her. Her Project DNA collection features masks, accessories and clothing made of white nylon. Their exotic designs, like the technology that produced them, seem to have come out of science fiction.

Design your own
But professionals aren't the only ones designing 3-D printed clothing. The company Continuum allows anyone with an Internet connection to design dresses, shoes and bathing suits. The company then prints out the material according to the design, sews it together and sends the finished product to the customer.

3-D printed clothing is still quite expensive, and the technology to create it is still developing. But soon you might be creating - and wearing - your own fashion masterpieces. You may even buy a 3-D printer and create clothing in the comfort of your home. In the words of Continuum founder Mary Huang, "Everyone has access to creativity."

Grammar Gym
- You may even buy a 3-D printer and create clothing in the comfort of your home.
in the comfort of your home
- Would you rather go to a theater and enjoy a movie on a big screen or watch a DVD in the comfort of your home?
- Online shopping has grown popular because many people prefer looking and buying things in the comfort of their homes.

Info Cloud
Teaching Topic: Amateurs and Professionals
Professionals 專業人士 / Amateurs 業餘人士
可用not professional,

Language Lab
transmit v.
to send (information, sound, etc.) in the form of electrical signals to a radio, television, computer, etc. [+ obj]
- The game was transmitted live all around the globe.
to give or pass (information, values, etc.) from one person to another
- Insects transmit many kinds of infectious diseases.

exotic adj.
something that is exotic seems unusual and interesting because it is related to a foreign country
- This Asian model's exotic looks made her very popular.
- The exotic cuisine served here is surprisingly tasty.

connection n.
a wire or piece of metal joining two parts of a machine or electrical system:
- The connection here is very weak. I can barely hear you.
when two or more things are joined together or when something is joined to a larger system or network
- Getting a connection to the electricity took longer than we expected.

masterpiece n.
a work of art, a piece of writing or music etc that is of very high quality or that is the best that a particular artist, writer etc has produced
- Many of Van Gogh's masterpieces are displayed in the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam.
- The "Mona Lisa" is Leonardo Da Vinci's masterpiece.


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