Tuesday, February 17, 2015

To Peel or Not to Peel (2)

What is zest?
Health benefits of organic food

You can, but getting your vitamins from fresh fruit is better for you. And the peels can contain more vitamins than the fruit of juice.

Did you know that orange peels have more vitamin C than orange juice?

So I should start eating orange peels?

Why not? You can add some grated orange peel to a vegetable dish like asparagus.

But I don’t like the taste of orange peel.

OK. What about apple peels? Apple skins lower your cholesterol and blood sugar.

Eating apple peels sound nasty. Besides pesticides, there might be bacteria on the skins.

Well then, buy organic food.

But it’s expensive.

Then you don’t have to peel your fruit. Wait, do you peel All fruit?

Of course. I peel the fruit and discard the peels.

What about blueberries?

Come on, you can’t peel that kind of fruit.

So you like eating some fruit peels?

I didn’t say that. Most peels don’t taste good, so why eat them?

Because they are full of nutrients. So you’re fortunate I made you this healthy smoothie. Drink it up and enjoy!

Info Cloud
Teaching Topic: Cheers!教學主題: Cheers 如何使用?
Cheers! 在美國指乾杯
在英式英文指 thank you, good-bye, your welcome
在英國 澳洲 紐西蘭 問路要說謝謝時可用 cheers! 表達謝意
男生之間特別喜歡說 Cheers, mate! 感覺親切

Closer Look
Most peels don’t taste good, so why eat them?
Most [subject] don’t …, so why …? 
- The studio gets messy every day, so why clean it?
- No one is going to appreciate the extra effort, so why do it?

Language Lab
grate v.
to cut (food) into very small pieces by rubbing it against a special tool (called a grater)
- Finely grate orange peel, and sprinkle it on the grilled fish fillet.
- Mark loves to add grated walnuts to his salads.

organic n.
of food : grown or made without the use of artificial chemicals
- Organic farming is quite popular in Japan.

discard v.
to throw (something) away because it is useless or unwanted
- Don’t discard the packaging before checking the condition of the merchandise.

fortunate adj.
having good luck : enjoying good fortune : lucky
- George feels fortunate that he could find such a good job.


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