Friday, February 20, 2015

Seeing the Great Wall

The Great Wall captures the imagination of all who visit

The Great Wall or changcheng (中國的長城) snakes more than 6,000 kilometers. It goes from the Gobi Desert (戈壁) to the Yellow Sea (黃海). First built to keep out invaders, it is now a popular tourist attraction. People hike the whole length of the wall or just explore different sections.

Badaling (八達嶺)
Five different sections of the wall lie near Beijing and can be accessed easily. Of these, Badaling is the most famous. This section is one of the closest to the city and, thus, the most convenient for visitors. Tourists cover it like ants. This part is also the easiest to walk since it has had the most repairs.

Jinshanling (金山嶺)
About two hours away by bus lies Jinshanling. This well-preserved section of the wall has not been repaired since 1570! If you’re looking for a peaceful walk and amazing views, this is the spot to visit. During spring and summer, you can see a “cloud sea” below you as you walk the wall.

Huangyaguan (黃崖關)
Not far from Tianjin (天津) lies another spectacular section of the Great Wall, Huangyaguan. Built over 1400 years ago, it received major repairs in 1984. The 3-kilometer section boasts 20 water towers and one water gate. This section is like a miniature representation of the entire Great Wall. Some areas are quite steep and narrow, but the scenery is impressive.

Several cultural attractions are situated in the cultural district near the wall. See the Bagua Castle (八卦城), which looks like a maze. And in the Longevity Garden, you can find over 10,000 writing sytles of the character "shou" (壽).

Jiayuguan (嘉峪關)
Out west in Gansu sits another restored section of the wall. About six kilometers from Jiayuguan City, you can visit Jiayuguan. It was the starting place for the section of the Great Wall built during the Ming Dynasty. This pass is the best preserved of the Great Wall military forts. The wall surrounds an inner city with interesting buildings to explore.

Ningxia (寧夏)
In nearby Ningxia, the Great Wall winds 1.506 kilometers through the region. Here you can find the oldest part of the wall. Built in the Qin Dynasty, it zigzags about from Gansu Province and into Ningxia. Many, many people died building this section. The builders had to first beat the earth into powder. Then they sifted it and finally steamed it before pounding it into the wall.

Shanhaiguan (山海關)
You'll find the eastern end of the wall near the city of Shanhaiguan. Here the wall meets the sea, forming a unique sight called the Old Dragon's Head. A large fort stands here as well as the wall. The east tower of the Shanhai Pass is called the First Pass Under Heaven. Stand near the tower to see the roaring sea on one side and the Great Wall on the other.

Wherever you choose to visit the Great Wall, you will be amazed. It is like no other structure on Earth.

Info Cloud
Teaching Topic: Oronyms教學主題: 同音不同字的詞串
"amaze" or "a maze"
聽到/əˈmeɪz/ 到底是聽到"驚訝"還是"一個迷宮"
"ice cream" or "I scream"

Language Lab
boast v.
to have (something that is impressive)
- This national park boasts a wide variety of wildlife.
- The country boasts a rich cultural and artistic heritage.
to express too much pride in yourself or in something you have, have done, or are connected to in some way
- Larry loves to boast about his wealth.

miniature adj. [mini字根-小]
very small : tiny
- I bought this miniature replica of the Statue of Liberty in a souvenir store in New York.
- Michael looks like a miniature version of his big, handsome dad.

restore v.
to put or bring (something) back into existence or use
- The cathedral was beautifully restored and looks even more splendid than before.
- After a long period of economic depression, people needed to have their confidence restored in the domestic market.

fort n.
a strong building or group of buildings where soldiers live
- Even though the fort was built in the 12th century, it's well preserved.
- This old Spanish fort became a popular site for tourists.

zigzag v.
zigzags; zigzagged; zigzagging
to move along a path that has a series of short, sharp turns or angles
- The trail zigzags to the top of the hill..
a line that has a series of short, sharp turns or angles
- The zigzag path leads us to the bottom of the valley.

powder n.
a dry substance made up of very tiny pieces of something
- The chef crushed the nuts until they became powder.
powder v.
to put powder on (your face or body)
- The lady powdered her face and put on some lipstick, too.




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