Sunday, February 15, 2015

Japan's National Snack: Oden (2)

Basic Ingredients 
Some would say that no pot of oden is complete without several key ingredients. Fish cakes and fried tofu, often stuffed with mochi or vegetables, make up the main ingredients. The most common vegetables use include daikon radish and knotted kelp with boiled egg finishing off the pot.

Your Friendly Neighborhood Oden 
If you travel to different parts of Japan, you will find that many places have their own variation of this dish. Shizuoka offers a very dark soup made with beef tendon and still keeps the dengaku sticks.

Shizuoka has a whole street lined with oden vendors, and an annual oden festival is held every year in the middle of February. Toyama's oden is marked by fish balls made with local seafood from Toyama Bay. You can also find famous oden establishments with their own special styles. Otafuku in Tokyo has been open since 1916 and claims a 60-year-old broth.

But if you're not in Japan, don't worry! A popular snack all over Asia, oden can also be found as close as your local convenience store.

Info Cloud
double negative
- No vacation is complete without good food.
Yeah, right! 表示不相信

Language Lab
variation n. 變化, 變動
- The delicious variation of French toast is very easy to make.
- Prices of the merchandise on this shopping website are subject to variation.

tendon n. 肌腱
- The player's tendon in his left leg snapped suddenly when he jumped to shoot the ball.
- The beef tendon needs to be carefully prepared before stewing.
- The beef-tendon noodle soup is this restaurant's specialty.

vendor n. 小販, 販賣商
- The ice-cream vendor tried to attract the kid's attention by dressing up like a clown.
vend v. 販賣
- Many websites vend children's clothing.
- The vending machine doesn't work.

seafood n. 海鮮, 海產
- The seafood restaurant's specialty is oysters.
- The seafood plate I had in Paris is the best I've ever eaten.
- The island boasts a wide variety of seafood.


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