Wednesday, August 20, 2014

The Thrill of an Urban Adventure (1)

Unique ways to explore a city
It's one of those days; you're feeling mischievous and want an adventure. However, you have a dilemma; you don't want just any ordinary adventure. Fortunately, there are many creative urban activities you can do in only a few hours.

Are you interested in mysteries? If you live in San Francisco, you can participate in a heated spy game called Jericho San Francisco. You will find yourself exploring San Francisco while trying to fulfill a specific mission.

In this game, everybody you see is a spy, so you must be sneaky. Just bring a NERF gun, a hat and your imagination. It only happens once a month, so check the date!

What if you want to see the city from above? If you live in Sydney, Australia, why not allocate a few hours to checking out the BridgeClimb? You can ascend the Sydney Harbour Bridge and get a bird's-eye view of the city. Or imagine walking on the outside edge of a tower 356 meters above the ground without holding onto anything. You can enjoy this thrill at the EdgeWalk, in Toronto, Canada. It's Toronto's tallest urban adventure!

Info Cloud
Teaching Topic: Bird’s Eye View (鳥瞰)
a bird's eye view 俯視
overhead view 比人頭高一點的高度, 有可能是室內的
eagle eye 很好的眼力
在這裡要注意的是 bird's eye 和 eagle eye 都是要用單數

Grammar Gym
In this game, everybody you see is a spy, so you must be sneaky.
In this [something], everybody/every something you see is a [description], so you must be [adjective].
- In this store, everything you see is expensive and easy to break, so you must be careful.
- In this competition, everyone you see is number one in their school, so you must be prepared.

Language Lab
mischievous adj.
someone who is mischievous likes to have fun, especially by playing tricks on people or doing things to annoy or embarrass them:
- There's a mischievous look on the little girl's face.
- Even though Jonathan is over 60, he's still a mischievous boy inside.
mischievousness n. [uncountable]
- The boy's mischievousness got him into a lot of trouble.

dilemma n.
a situation in which it is very difficult to decide what to do, because all the choices seem equally good or equally bad:
- He was faced with the dilemma of telling the truth or losing his job.
- The governor is caught in a difficult ethical dilemma.

sneaky adj.
doing things in a secret and often dishonest or unfair way:
- The boy looks kind of sneaky. I bet he's planning on skipping class today.
sneak v.
to go somewhere secretly and quietly in order to avoid being seen or heard
- Laura sneaked off in the middle of the meeting.

allocate v.
to use something for a particular purpose, give something to a particular person etc, especially after an official decision has been made
- We allocated 5 percent of our profit to charity.
- James is in charge of allocating jobs to the members of our team.
allocation n.
the amount or share of something that has been allocated for a particular purpose:
- The allocation of flour and rice was handled by the government during the war.


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