Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Remix! Fusion Music (2)

Jazz Rap 
For every well-known musical fusion, there are any others with small followings. For instance, fans of jazz and rap no longer need to keep those tastes exclusive because of jazz rap. It started as an endeavor to bring the past and present of African-American music together and to give a positive alternative to aggressive gangsta rap.

Electronic music has perhaps been experimented with more than most other styles, creating lasting hits while also causing confusion, as the glitch genre tends to do. Glitch doesn't mix two styles of music as much as it adds noises of computer errors, or glitches, to electronic music. Glitch musicians often damage electronic instruments and equipment until they barely work, then play them to achieve the desired sound.

This style integrates electronic music as well, specially the sound of early Nintendo video game music. However, tunes like those from Super Mario Brothers are played in a heavy metal style, sometimes with a singer screaming lyrics over them.

Just like rock 'n' roll or folk rock before, new fusions will bring transformations to the path of music. Only time will tell what new mixes of older styles are down the road.

Info Cloud
Teaching Topic: The Other Definition of “Or” (換言之)
我們都知道英文裡 or 的意思是指或者, 還是,
但or 還有一個定義, 就是換言之,
例如: Some people suffer from acrophobia (懼高症), or the fear of heights.
作者為了解釋 acrophobia (懼高症)的意思, 就加上or 去解釋,
在這裡是指換言之, 也就是的意思

Grammar Gym
Glitch musicians often damage electronic instruments and equipment until they barely work, then play them to achieve the desired sound.
to achieve the desired ... = to get the kind of result that is wanted 
- To achieve the desired mood for the show, the light engineer spent hours adjusting the stage lights.
- The bride wanted to look like a movie star and hired a professional make-up artist to help her achieve the desired look.

Language Lab
endeavor n.努力, 盡力
a serious effort or attempt
- The residents' endeavor to keep the park succeeded.
- The director's artistic endeavor of telling the story creatively was well-received.
endeavor v.
to seriously or continually try to do (something)
- We endeavored to keep the company but failed.

rap n. 饒舌音樂;
a type of popular music in which the words of a song are not sung, but spoken in time to music with a steady beat:
- This leading rap group just released its 8th album last week.
rap v. 唱饒舌音樂
to say the words of a rap song
- That singer can rap in several different languages.
rapper n. 嘻哈歌手
someone who speaks the words of a rap song
- This famous rapper used to belong to a gang.

integrate v. 結合, 合併, 使一體化
if two or more things integrate, or if you integrate them, they combine or work together in a way that makes something more effective
- The curriculum integrated leadership with team-building skills.
integrate (something) into/with something
- It's not hard to integrate exercise into your daily life.
integration n. 結合, 合併
the combining of two or more things so that they work together effectively
racial integration 種族融合

transformation n. 轉化, 轉變
a complete change in someone or something:
- Rachel made the transformation from a single woman to a wife very smoothly.
transform v. 轉化, 轉變
to completely change the appearance, form, or character of something or someone, especially in a way that improves it:
- Helen totally transformed her style after she became a model.


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