Monday, January 11, 2016

Be Creative - On Your Own (1)

Borrowing ideas isn't a good idea 

Adam Reynolds owns and manages Owl Media, a media production company that designs innovative products.

Right now, they are working on several new mobile apps for news and entertainment publications as well as new game app. At present, 40 people, including writers and artists, computer programmers, art and design people, work at Owl Media. There are also advertising, sales and accounting people.

Nicole Robins is Adam's executive assistant. Laura Mason, the design director, oversees all the designs for the products.

Business has been good, and the company is growing, but all is not smooth sailing.

[Conversation A]

Hey, Adam. The designers are making a lot of progress on the new game app. Laura wanted you to see some of the characters they've come up with.

Great! I'd love to see them.

Here is Lucky Lizard.

He's really cute.

And here are Betty Bird and Sam Sloth. Isn't Sam adorable?

Yes. But wait a minute.

Betty Bird looks familiar.

That was Laura's concern.

I'll go and talk to her.

Info Cloud
Teaching Topic: Oversee vs. Overlook 
Let’s take a look at two words today that can be confusing, oversee and overlook. Do they have the  same meaning?

Well, you may think they do as both see and look have similar meanings, but these two words are actually quite different.

Okay for oversee we can think of a boss, or supervisor in a factory who is seated at a high place watching over the workers.

And maybe even giving out commands. When someone oversees you at work, they’re making sure you’re doing your job right. Supervise is another word for oversee.

Overlook, on the other hand, can have two different meanings. It can mean to look at something from a higher place. For example, the house overlooks the beach.

So from the house you could see the beach below.

Right, but overlook can also mean to miss or fail to see as in, the detective overlooked an important clue and the suspect was released.

Okay, now the question is what does the noun “oversight”mean? It can mean either supervision or an unintentional omission.

Yes, but the more common definition is an unintentional omission. So we can say, due to the detective’s oversight the suspect was released.

Two different words with different meanings, don’t overlook them!

Language Lab
production n.
the process of making or growing something for sale or use
- The production of the album took a whole year.
the amount of something that is made or grown for sale or use
- The model didn't go into production because it would have been too expensive for consumers.
produce v.
to make (something) especially by using machines
- The musical was produced on a very limited budget.

publication n.
a book, magazine, etc., that has been printed and made available to the public
- Our latest publication for fitness enthusiasts is quite popular.
the act or process of producing a book, magazine, etc., and making it available to the public
- The book was translated into English for publication.
publish v.
to prepare and produce (a book, magazine, etc.) for sale
- His poems will be published next month.

smooth sailing 
easy progress : progress that is not blocked by anything
Her time at college wasn't all smooth sailing.
[=she had some problems/difficulties during her time at college]
- In the beginning Stuart's business was not smooth sailing.
- The movie is a great success, but it wasn't all smooth sailing during the filming.

adorable adj.
very appealing or attractive : very lovable
- The puppy is so adorable. I want to take it home.
- Mathew has three adorable kids, one boy and two girls.
adore v.
to love or admire (someone) very much
- I adore my little nephew. He's only two years old.


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