Sports for snow
While some like the slippery, hard ice others prefer soft snow. Of course, when they are shooting sown a mountain on skis, the snow isn't always gentle. Skis dominate snow sports and are used for many different games. People race down a course in alpine skiing or launch into the air for a ski jump. All a skier's best moves and tricks are on display in freestyle skiing. Snowboards are also popular, allowing for many of the same results.
Other snow choices
Growing tired of the snow sports already mentioned, athletes have developed many more. Lonely skiers tie themselves behind a dog or horse in high-speed skijoring. Others exercise their artistic side with ski ballet, much like figure skating on snow. However, some prefer to take off their skis, racing downhill in kayaks or on shovels. Players without anything to ride on can enjoy yukigassen, basically organized snowball fights.
No matter what is chosen - snowballs, skis or shovels - a world of fun is waiting.
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Teaching Topic: Animal Similes 與動物相關的明喻
A simile is a figure of speech that compares one thing with something else of a different kind. Often introduced with the words like or as.
In English there are quite a few similes that compare humans to animals. For instance, busy as a bee, this is a good way to describe someone who is constantly running around from one activity to another.
If you have a dog, you’ll be able to relate to this next simile, sick as a dog. Now dogs will eat anything, right? And sometimes what they eat makes them sick. So when you eat something that makes you throw up you’ll become sick as a dog.
Know anyone who can lift heavy things, then they are strong as an ox.
Someone who can’t see without their glasses might be blind as a bat. Now interestingly, this simile leads people to think that bats are blind but they are not, it’s just that their vision is terrible in broad daylight.
Okay, here’s another animal simile that can enrich your English, stubborn as a mule.
Hey, I know some people like that, okay, finally how about quiet as a mouse and proud as a peacock.
Language Lab
slippery adj.
difficult to stand on, move on, or hold because of being smooth, wet, icy, etc.
- The roads are quite slippery after the rain . You'd better drive slowly.
- Pam fell on the slippery tile floor in her bathroom.
not able to be trusted : tricky
- This con man is too slippery; you can't get any truth from him.
ski n.
one of a pair of long narrow pieces of wood, metal, or plastic that curve upward slightly in front, are attached to shoes, and are used for gliding over snow
- These professional skis are made of special material so they are lighter and faster.
- The ski resort is closed due to bad weather.
ski v.
to move or glide on skis over snow or water
- Sean skies every winter.
athlete n.
a person who is trained in or good at sports, games, or exercises that require physical skill and strength
- Henry is determined to become a professional athlete.
- A good athlete must have a strong will and be self-disciplined.
athletic adj.
of or relating to athletes
- Jonah got the scholarship because of his athletic ability.
artistic adj.
relating to art or artists
- Nina's impeccable skills and artistic talent made her a top designer at a very young age.
artistic adj.
having or showing the skill of an artist
- an artistic furniture arrangement
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