Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Tea Anyone? (1)

There's nothing more lovely than enjoying a cup of tea

Warm scones served with cream and jam. Small sandwiches. Delicious cakes. Tea served in a fine china cup. It is 4:00 p.m. and time for afternoon tea. What a sweet way to enjoy the company of others. Served on low tables, afternoon tea is often called low tea.

History of afternoon tea
It is said that afternoon tea started in England in the 1840s with Anna, the Seventh Duchess of Bedford. At that time, people only ate two meals a day.

In the late afternoon, the duchess would get hungry. So around 4 o'clock, she scheduled tea and cakes to be brought to her room. This custom soon became popular among the wealthy.

Types of teas
There is more than one kind of afternoon tea. A regular afternoon tea consists of tea with sandwiches, scones and cakes. A cream tea is tea with scones served with cream and jam. A full tea includes tea, scones, cakes, sandwiches and, at times, soup or quiche.

Info Cloud
Teaching Topic: Protected Food Names 教學主題: 食物名稱的保護制度

One makes Pu'er tea taste so special, one thing is, its taste, which comes from the way the tea is processed. Its leaves are fermented.

Pu-erh tea is also special, because it enjoys government protection. In China only fermented teas produced in thePu-erh region of Yunnan province can legally be labeled Pu-erh.

Fermented teas that are produced outside the Pu-erh region must be marketed differently, typically their label dark teas.Well since the 1990s it seems people everywhere have awaken to the advantages of national and international food-name protection laws.

And it’s easy to see why? Protected foods name was guard reputation of traditional local foods they promote local economies and they eliminate competitors who might produce similar foods using inferior ingredients and or non-traditional production methods. Well Ken how about another example?

Sure, since the 1890s champagne, that bubbly beverage people loved to drink at weddings and New Year celebrations has enjoyed legal protection in Europe. Today about 70 countries around the world legally regulate the use of this word.

Right, if this product is not made in France’s champagne region, it can’t be legally called champagne. A generic name like sparkling wine will have to suffice.

Language Lab
china n.
a hard white material that is made of baked clay and used to make plates, bowls, etc.
- Grandma has a huge collection of china that she has collected over they ears.
- Martha used her best china tea set when her good friends visited.

duchess n.
a woman who has the same rank as a duke;
the wife or widow of a duke;
- The Duchess of Kent attended the hospital's opening ceremony.
duke n.
a man of very high rank in the British nobility
- Prince Charles is the oldest son of Queen Elizabeth and the Duke of Edinburg.

schedule n.
a plan of things that will be done and the times when they will be done
- Daryl had a very hectic schedule today. He really needs some rest now.
schedule v.
to plan (something) at a certain time
- The meeting was scheduled for last Friday, but it was postponed.

consist v.
to be formed or made up of (specified things or people)
- The committee consists of 12 members.
- The dish consists of rice, vegetables and pork only.


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