Friday, November 20, 2015

Free Cash? (1)

What would you do if you found money on the ground?

Ted and Colby have just left a restaurant after lunch.

Hey, look, Ted! $50! That's a lot of money. If must've fallen out of someone's pocket or purse.

Well, finders keepers! Let's use it to go see a movie!

Info Cloud
Teaching Topic: It’s Should’ve, Not Should of 為何老外會把should have寫成should of?

Today let’s take a look at a common mistake native English speakers make. Now you may be wondering why focus on something that doesn’t affect students who learn English as a second language.

The answer is simple, from that mistake you can learn to sell more like a native English speaker, thus improving your pronunciation.

All right, so here’s the mistake, listen carefully. Instead of writing, you should have done that, many young people in the US will often write “you should of done that”. Why do they do that?

Because that’s how they say it. “Should have” is normally spoken in a slowed way, so that two words are not distinctly separated but blended together.

Now the proper way to show this blending is should’ve, s, h, o, u, l, d, apostrophe v, e. Which is a contraction of “should have”, but many people hear it, “should of”, and that’s how they end up writing it, wrong.

Besides, should’ve, this kind of construction also occurs in“could have” which becomes “could’ve”, “would have” which becomes  “would’ve”, “must have” which becomes “must’ve”,and “might have” which becomes “might’ve”.

None of these expressions have the word “of” in them, so never write them, using “of”, however when you say them out loud, feel free to blend them and pronounce it like there’s the word “of” in it. I should’ve stayed awake in class 20 years ago when my teacher talked me this.

Language Lab
rightful adj.
according to the law; proper or appropriate
- The property should be returned to its rightful owner.

identify v.
to know and say who someone is or what something is
- She identified the dog as her lost pet.

conscience n.
the part of the mind that makes you aware of your actions as being either morally right or wrong
- You should decide what to do according to your own conscience.

to kiss something goodbye
to accept the fact that you have lost or will never get something
- They can kiss their vacation plans goodbye now. [=their vacation plans are now ruined]
- If you don't start working harder, you can kiss that promotion goodbye. [=you won't be getting that promotion]


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