Friday, March 13, 2015

Emma Watson (3)

  • Stage three: the present
  • What roles did she take after Harry Potter?
  • U.N. Goodwill Ambassador

Stage Three: The Present
One might think that Watson would wish to run from Hermione in her post-Potter life, but that's not Watson's perspective. "That seems like a negative place to jump off from -- trying to get away from something rather than trying to get towards something," she comments. She wanted to do something unconventional, not something that would be too comfortable, such as period pieces. "The one thing I knew I didn't want to do was get myself into a corset because I was worried I'd never get out again."

So what roles did Watson step into? In films, she began to play Americans (as in Wallflower) and also starred in the decidedly different Noah with Russel Crowe.

But it's a role outside of the film industry that has gotten everyone's attention since then -- that of a U.N. Women Goodwill Ambassador.

Many people questioned the right of a young actor to fill this position. In her famous speech on feminism, she gave voice to an answer:"I've told myself firmly, 'If not me, who? If not now, when?'"

Info Cloud
Teaching Topic: Actor vs. Actress教學主題: 女演員該如何稱呼?
21 世紀二性平等所以有些女生也會被叫actor
但actress 可以特地的強調他們與男演員的不同

Closer Look
But it's a role outside of the film industry that has gotten everyone's attention since then -- that of a U.N. Women Goodwill Ambassador.
[Situation] -- that of a/an [something].
that of
- Although the police haven't solved the case, they did find a clue -- that of a plane ticket in the victim's coat.
- The guests were impressed with the presentation of the final dish -- that of a beautifully decorated cake.

Language Lab
perspective n. [spect字根- 看]
a way of thinking about something, especially one which is influenced by the type of person you are or by your experiences [↪ viewpoint] perspective on
- The talk show reflected people's perspectives on this political issue.
a sensible way of judging and comparing situations so that you do not imagine that something is more serious than it really is:
- It's important to keep things in perspective when you are making crucial decisions.

unconventional adj.
very different from the way people usually behave, think, dress etc:
- His unconventional style of leadership has been well-received by his staff.
conventional adj.
- The patient has already given up on conventional treatments.

decidedly adv.
in a way that shows that you are certain : in a way that shows that you have no doubt
- The questions posed by the press decidedly offended the chief of police.
- The boss is decidedly dissatisfied with our sales figures this month.

feminism n.
the belief that men and women should have equal rights and opportunities
- The politician's opposition to feminism cost him many women's votes.
feminist n.
- Elizabeth is a radical feminist.


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