Friday, March 27, 2015

California Here I Come (2)

  • A NASA structure 
  • Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL)
  • Fort Irwin
The trip was awesome! The trip not only fulfilled my dream but also broadened my horizons. We visited fantastic places like the Goldstone Deep Space Communications Complex. This NASA structure is located in a military base in the Mojave Desert. Civilians usually don't have access since it's a restricted area. But one of our graduates who works at Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) applied for us to visit.

Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Located in Los Angeles County, JPL sits on a lovely hillside where deer wander around. JPL's main tasks are to make and launch satellites. The most famous is Curiosity, which is now on Mars.

Fort Irwin
This stop wasn't in the original plan. However when I saw the weaponry, I begged our guide to drive around the fort. He told us that this camp belongs to the United States Army. There are some cool signs there like "Tank crossing." Many vehicles used in movies were there: Hummers, M1 Abrams, Cobra gunships, etc.

Info Cloud
Teaching Topic: Repurposed English 英文單字的再利用
tank 坦克車
water tank 水箱
在運輸時上面寫water tank 以防止敵人發現,
戰車的車身跟船身都叫做 hull,

Language Lab
fulfill v.
if you fulfill a hope, wish, or aim, you achieve the thing that you hoped for, wished for etc:
- As a teacher, my desire is to help students fulfill their potential.
- Marian is still learning how to fulfill all her duties as a mom and a business owner.

civilian n. [civ字根-人民]
anyone who is not a member of the military forces or the police: 平民
- Hundreds of civilians were injured in the bombing.
- Civilians are not allowed on this military base.
—civilian adjective [only before noun]
- The fugitive fled in civilian clothes.
fugitive n.
someone who is trying to avoid being caught by the police

propulsion n. [pro字根-往前]
the force that drives a vehicle forward
- The astronauts need to know how to control the propulsion system of the spacecraft.
- Mark is interested in studying jet propulsion.

crossing n.
a place where you can safely cross a road, railway, river etc:
- The boy stood at the crossing, waiting for the green light.


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