Monday, December 29, 2014

How to Save Money

Creative ways to put more money in your bank account

Are you eager to save money? Many people are. Here are a few simple ways to do that and still enjoy life!

Drink more water
Instead of buying tea or coffee with a meal, drink water. Water is better for your health, and drinking it saves you money.

Don't go out to eat
Perhaps you enjoy hosting parties. Invite your friends over to your house instead of a restaurant. You can have a potluck and play games. It is an ideal way to have fun, but at a lower cost.

Keep your change
Put all of your loose change in a jar. If you set aside just US$5 a week, you can save lots of money over time. Once in a while, deposit the change in the bank.

Know how much you spend
How much money do you spend every week? Don't know? Track your spending. You can use a finance-tracking app like BUDGET. Learnvest or Mint. Then you will know how much money you can spend. If you don't have the cash, don't buy something.

Make small changes in your life, and watch your money grow.

Info Cloud
Teaching Topic: Restaurantese  餐飲業術語
字尾ese加在某個專業領域之後, 就表示具有那個專業的語言,
例如: legalese 法律上使用的行話術語, restaurantese 餐飲業術語,
另外, 服務生會用 "How are we doing today?"
"we" 用we 是指我們是朋友嗎?
還有廚師常常會跟服務生說: This hamburger is growing a beard!
這個hamburger已經在長胡子了, 指的是這份餐點已經快要冷掉了! 要快點送餐了!

Language Lab
eager adj.
very keen and excited about something that is going to happen or about something you want to do
eagerness n.
- People were pushing each other out of the way in their eagerness to get to the front.

ideal adj.
the best or most suitable that something could possibly be;
- With so much rain, conditions are far from ideal.
an ideal world, job, system etc is one that you imagine to be perfect, but that is not likely to really exist
- In an ideal world there would be no need for a police force.

set aside phrasal verb
to keep something, especially money, time, or a particular area, for a special purpose
- Try to set aside some time each day for exercise.

deposit v.
to put money or something valuable in a bank or other place where it will be safe
- You are advised to deposit your valuables in the hotel safe.
withdraw v.
to take money out of a bank account
- I'd like to withdraw £500 from my current account.


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