Thursday, December 4, 2014

Real Men Wear Ties

Wear it right for Tie Month

There comes a time in each boy's life when he feels an emptiness that can only be filled by a necktie. Ties make a strong statement with a man's outfit when worn correctly.

Width and length
Skinny ties are now in style - yes - but skinnier is not always better. Extremely narrow ties often seem just as bold as extremely wide ones. A tie at its widest point should equal the lapel at its widest point. Although a range of widths is acceptable, length is not negotiable: the tip of the tie should come just down to the belt.

Knot and collar
Every man should be able to tie his own tie, and the most popular way is the four-in-hand knot. Like any knot, it looks more sophisticated with a dimple just below it. But no tie looks sophisticated if the collar covering it is too small, so don't let the tie show in the back.

Color and pattern 
Don't go crazy - a bright time matched with a loud shirt is usually a mistake. A colorful shirt is best balanced by a simple tie or vice versa. Keeping the season in mind is also important when choosing designs and colors.

Once you've mastered these directions, you'll hear a satisfied sigh - it's the sound of your neck (and your fashion sense) thanking you.

Info Cloud
Teaching Topic: Homophones, Anagrams and Homograms 幾個文字遊戲
1. homophones 同意意異字
2. anagrams 重新排列一個字母的順序變成另一個字
site ---- ties
3. homograms 二個單字, 用到同樣的字母
像 anagram 一樣拼出來發同樣的音像 homophones
wear ---- ware

Grammar Gym
There comes a time in each boy's life when he feels an emptiness that can only be filled by a necktie. 
There comes a time in [each/every person's] life when + situation.
- There comes a time in each worker's life when they wonder if they are making enough money or not.
- There comes a time in each student's life when they have to decide what they want to do after they finish high school. 

Language Lab
lapel n.
the part of the front of a coat or jacket that is joined to the collar and folded back on each side
- Ellen pinned a pearl brooch on her lapel.
- Wide lapels were very fashionable back in the '70s.

negotiable adj.
an offer, price, contract etc that is negotiable can be discussed and changed before being agreed on
- The terms of employment are not negotiable once the contract has been signed.
- The price of the product is negotiable if you buy in bulk.
non-negotiable adj.
a non-negotiable principle or belief is one that you refuse to discuss or change:
- Our charges are non-negotiable.

sophisticated adj.
having a lot of experience of life, and good judgment about socially important things such as art, fashion etc;
a sophisticated machine, system, method etc is very well designed and very advanced, and often works in a complicated way;
having a lot of knowledge and experience of difficult or complicated subjects and therefore able to understand them well:
- Claudia's sophisticated taste in fashion design is well-known in the field.
- You can't help but notice her sophisticated manners.
- Customers are becoming cleverer and more sophisticated.

vice versa adv.
used to say that the opposite of a situation you have just described is also true:
- Tim doesn't like his partner, and vice versa.
- Should I go to your office or vice versa?


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