Thursday, March 13, 2014


Find solutions for your problems in certain foods and drinks
We eat to satisfy our hunger and to provide necessary nutrition for our body, but there are other reasons to reach for particular foods. Research shows that there are times when certain foods may provide possible solutions for various problems.

When you can't sleep:
Try a few almonds for a late-night snack. Almonds contain magnesium, an essential nutrient that helps relax the muscles and promote sleep.

When you have bad breath:
Drink a cup of black, green or oolong tea, which contains a compound that stops the growth of the bacteria that causes bad breath.

When you feel irritable:
Reach for a chocolate bar! Chocolate makes most people happy, not only because it tastes good, but also because it increases the production of serotonin, which affects peoples moods.

When you have joint pain:
East strawberries, oranges or other foods loaded with Vitamin C. Eating two oranges daily gives you 120 milligrams of Vitamin C, which may help slow the wear and tear on your joints.

When you don't have much energy:
Drink ample amounts of water. When you don't drink enough water, oxygen and nutrients can't reach your brain in an efficient manner, leaving you tired and less able to concentrate.

The next time you have a problem remember to check your kitchen first for a solution.

Editor's Summary
In today's lesson, we see that besides giving us nutrition, certain foods may help with some problems we may be having.
For example, eat some almonds if you can't sleep.
Or, if you're feeling irritable, have chocolate.
And did you know that if you feel like you're running out of energy, maybe a glass of water is just the thing.
There are various kinds of nutrients in foods that help different conditions.
So, check it out.

Info Cloud
Teaching Topic: Distinguishing Between Can and Can’t
其實很多美國人在說can't的時候, 根本沒有把字尾的 t 講出來,
分辨can & can't 的技巧有以下二點:
1. 美國人說can的時候, 其實是讀成 /kən/ 而不是/kæn/
2. 用重音去分別, 如果是說否定時, 重音都會特別加重 can't /ˈkænt/

Grammar Gym
wear and tear 
the kind of damage that happens to a thing when that thing is being used a lot
- Eating two oranges daily gives you 120 milligrams of Vitamin C, which may help slow the wear and tear on your joints.
- After seeing the wear and tear on his shoes, Scott knew he needed higher quality shoes.
- Mr. and Mrs. Lee got some counseling after they realized there was some emotional wear and tear in their relationship.

Language Lab
nutrition n.
[noncount] : the process of eating the right kind of food so you can grow properly and be healthy
- Plants absorb nutrition from the soil.
- Good nutrition is essential for children's growth.
nutrient n. [count]
a substance that plants, animals, and people need to live and grow
- The soil is rich in all kinds of nutrients.

compound n.
something that is formed by combining two or more parts ; especially technical : a substance created when the atoms of two or more chemical elements join together
- Water is a compound of oxygen and hydrogen.
- Nitrogen compounds in the fertilizer help plants grow faster.

irritable adj.
becoming angry or annoyed easily
- Ted gets irritable when he's hungry.
- The passengers became irritable after waiting two hours for the delayed flight.
irritate v.
to make (someone) impatient, angry, or annoyed
- Don't irritate Mandy; she's been really fussy today.

ample adj.
having or providing enough or more than enough of what is needed
- There's ample room for another suitcase in the trunk.
- The mall provides ample parking for its customers.
- There's ample time for us to review before the exam.


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