Monday, March 3, 2014


Becoming a better leader in business and in life

Many people have assumptions of what business leaders should be like. They might picture good leaders as being tough and confident people who can make quick decisions. While it may be true that leadership requires taking charge, other important leadership qualities aren't so obvious. The following are some assumptions about leaders and their behavior that could use some adjustment.

What leaders have to say is important
Well, yes, that is clearly true. However, if leaders dominate every discussion and never listen to their teammates, they shouldn't expect their colleagues to say motivated for long.

Good leaders have the ability to listen closely, regardless of teammates' positions in the company.

Leaders' goals should come first.
Without a doubt, leaders have personal goals such as building a professional identity or gaining status within an industry. But when leaders narrow-mindedly pursue such goals, they fail to encourage the success of their teammates. If real leadership is about making other people better, then leaders should spend as much energy supporting teammates as much energy supporting teammates as they do pursuing their own personal goals.

Info Cloud
Teaching Topic: Do We Need More Letters in the Alphabet?
古時候的英文, 根本就沒有 Q & U
quick 早期在英格蘭是拼 cwic, 後來在西元1066年, 才將法國的qu引進英格蘭,

其實英文有許多不規則的發音, 但是沒有字母可以面確表達,
像手錶watch 字尾的ch就是一個例子

Language Lab
assumption n.
something that is believed to be true or probably true but that is not known to be true : something that is assumed
- The prediction is based on the assumption that oil prices will continue to rise.
- People's assumptions are that movie stars are always glamorous and wealthy.

take charge 
- Greg was assigned to take charge of the marketing department.
be verb + in charge of something
- Sandra is in charge of this case.

regardless adv.
in spite of difficulty, trouble, etc. : without being stopped by difficulty, trouble, etc.
regard n.
care or concern for someone or something — often + for or to
regardless of : without being stopped or affected by (something)
- The rule applies to everyone regardless of their age, race or gender.
- Regardless of the community's opposition, the expressway was built.

narrow-mindedly adv.
- The company narrow-mindedly closed their Asian branch.
narrow-minded adj.
not willing to accept opinions, beliefs, or behaviors that are unusual or different from your own
- This narrow-minded manager is not open to other people's opinions.

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