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Where Glass begin
Glass originated as a special project at Google X, Google's top-secret research lab. The first prototype for Glass was a 10-pound, head-mounted display. Later versions looked like swimming goggles with cellphones connected to them.The current version is a slim visor that weighs about the same as a pair of sunglasses.
First impressions
The first group of Glass testers, called Explorers, shared their experiences with Google this past spring. Several users enjoyed using Glass to take hands-free pictures and hear turn-by-turn directions while walking. Negative experiences included low battery life and the awkward feeling of talking to Glass in public.
Major concerns
Despite the hype surrounding Glass many are worried that the device's video recording function could endanger privacy. In response, a handful of U.S. lawmakers requested Google CEO Larry Page to disclose how Google will add privacy protection functions to Glass.
Info Cloud
the public 公眾、大眾
public (集合名詞)
1. 和單數動詞一起(美式英文)
- The public is not allowed in. 禁止一般民眾進入
2. 和複數動詞一起(英式英文)
- The public are not allowed in. in public在公共場所
- ....awkward feeling of talking to Glass in public.
Grammar Gym
[something] + not[verb] beyond what [something else] + [verb]
- Supporters of Glass respond by saying that Glass can't do anything beyond what smartphones can already do.
- It's useless asking the nurse about the test results, she doesn't know anything beyond what we already know.
- This hotel isn't any better than the last one, it doesn't provide any free services beyond what the previous hotel can provide.
Language Lab
originate v.源自、來自 origin n.起源
o begin to exist : to be produced or created
- This disease originated in Africa, but is soon spread to other countries.
That idea did not originate with him. [=he was not the first person to have that idea]
- The idea of the movie didn't originate with the writer, but with the producer.
visor n.護目鏡;(汽車)遮陽板
a piece on the front of a helmet that you can pull down to protect your face
a flat, stiff piece of material on the inside of a car above the windshield that you can pull down to keep sunlight from shining in your eyes
- The motorcycle rider raised the visor of his helmet while he stopped at the red light.
- I put down the visor because the sunlight was too bright.
hype n.大肆宣傳、天花亂墜的公開宣傳
talk or writing that is intended to make people excited about or interested in something or someone
- The pop star created a media hype while touring in Asia.
- A lot of viewers went to see the movie because of the hype.
disclose v.公開、揭露、使暴露
to make (something) known to the public
- The agent disclosed to the press the signing of the pitcher's new contract.
- The police refused to disclose the details of the case.
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