Ben: That seems like a good idea, but it won't solve the problem of Terry leaving. He's not going to work for my competition. He's leaving because of family problems.
Uncle Bob: There isn't much you can do about him leaving then. But there are still things you can do to make your company more resistant to problems when employees do leave.
Ben: Like what?
Uncle Bob: Well, for starters, you could cross-train your employees.
Ben: What does that mean?
Uncle Bob: It just means you train your employees to do several different jobs. For example, you might train Angela to do Ralph's job, but also train Ralph to do Angela's job.
Ben: That would give me a lot more flexibility and make it easier to maintain continuity, if someone does leave.
Uncle Bob: Exactly, it also makes employees more versatile. You wouldn't have to worry about things like vacation and sick leave, for example.
Ben: Cross-training is probably good for employees, too. It would help them learn new skills and keep them from getting bored with their jobs.
Uncle Bob: That's true. And having happy employees will help keep people at the company.
Ben: Those are great ideas, Uncle Bob.
Uncle Bob: Just remember, you can't prohibit employees from leaving, but you can make losing employees more tolerable.
Info Cloud
Teaching Topic: The Suffix –ee
v.+ee : 表示接受這個動作的人
employee : employ +ee被雇用的人,指員工
murderer殺人犯,但被殺的人不可寫為 murder+ee.
Language Lab
resistant adj.抵抗的、有抵抗力的
opposed to something : wanting to prevent something from happening — usually + to
- The paint is resistant to extreme weather conditions.
- This super gem is resistant to all kinds of antibiotics.
cross-train v.交叉訓練、多重技能訓練
cross-training ( gerund /ˈʤerənd/ ) grammar : an English noun formed from a verb by adding -ing
- Our department cross-trained us in both marketing and customer service.
- Interdepartmental cross-training is quite effective.
continuity n.持續性、連貫性
the quality of something that does not stop or change as time passes : a continuous quality
- There has been no continuity in this course because we have had three different teachers.
- To maintain continuity in this sequel the producer used the director of the original movie.
versatile adj.多才多藝的、多功能的
able to do many different things
versatility n.
- Sherry is a versatile entertainer who can sing and act.
- Hank's versatility made him stand out as an athlete.
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