Instead of eating at the same old restaurant this weekend, why not go on a picnic? If you've never been on one, or if it's been a while, you can discover how good food tastes outdoors.
Info Cloud
dessert 甜點,點心
sweet food served after the main part of a meal
甜點當然是多多益善,所以有字裡有二個 s , 容易與沙漠分辨
desert n. 沙漠
desert v.擅離(職守等) 發音與'dessert' 甜點相同
- He deserted his family.他抛弃了他的家庭。
deserter n.背棄者, 擅離職守者; 逃兵
Language Lab
medieval adj.中世紀的; 中古風的 [medi 中間]
- The medieval castle was turned into a museum.
medieval 老式的; 守舊的
- The boss' medieval marketing strategy doesn't compete with our competitors.
feast n.盛宴, 筵席
- We're having a big feast next Saturday to celebrate Grandma's birthday.
feast 大量令人享受的事物或享宴
- A trip to Rome is a feast for the eyes.
feast 飽餐
- The kids feasted on fried chicken and pizza.
elaborate n. 精心製作的; 精巧的; 詳盡的
made or done with great care or with much detail : having many parts that are carefully arranged or planned
- The elaborate hairstyle took hours to complete.
elaborate v. 詳細規劃, 詳細解釋 'e-la-ba-ret'
- The police refused to elaborate on the case.
leisurely adj.從容不迫的, 悠閒的
if you do something in a leisurely way, you do it in a slow, relaxed way, without hurrying
- These tourists walked at a leisurely pace.
- Fiona had a leisurely lunch with her friends.
leisurely (adv) - 悠閒的,從容地
- We leisurely strolled along the beach.
host (v) - to in charge or hold an event.主持,主辦,作東款待
- Brazil will host the Olympic Games in 1016.
- Joanne will be hosting her best friend's wedding shower.
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