Friday, June 14, 2013

DIY Marketing (2)

Uncle Bob: How are you going to run this marketing campaign?

Ben: At this point, we're basically going to follow a three step plan. First, we'll try to connect with our current and potential customers.

Uncle Bob: Are you going to create a mailing list?

Ben: Sort of. At first, we'll probably just use social media like Facebook and Twitter to connect with people we are working with. Then we'll try to use those connections to gather information.

Uncle Bob: Are you going to use surveys or something?

Ben: Questionnaires are a simple and inexpensive way to do market research. We'll probably come up with a short list of questions to ask people or companies we work with. We'll also post stuff in industry-related forums and do online focus groups.

Uncle Bob: Are you going to follow that up with advertising?

Ben: Kind of, We're going to try to create some buzz.

Uncle Bob: What does that involve?

Ben: Buzz is basically just excited interest. We'll create a media kit and try to get some coverage in the local media. Then we're hoping to use our social media and website to spread the word.

Uncle Bob: That sounds very interesting. Let me know how it works out.

Ben: Don't worry, I will.

Info Cloud

Hi, frineds, have you ever heard someone say, they want have a word with you, and when they do, they almost always end up saying a lot more than just a word.

Uh, may I say a word about that, Ken? That’s just one of the many idiosyncrasies of the English language. "A word" can mean either one word or a brief statement, which can contain quite a number of words.

So let us take a closer look at the word “word” today and see what other meanings it has. Steve, thanks for putting in a good word for me.

Don’t mention it, Ken. All the good things I told the boss about you were actually true.

So as you can see, Steve didn’t just say one word. He actually said some positive things about me.

Another meaning of the word: “word” is news or information. And that’s using “word” as an uncountable noun.

People often like to spread the word when they find a new restaurant they like.

Right. Today many people use social media to get the word out so that others can experience the tasty food themselves.

OK. “Word” can also mean rumor. Word has it that the two companies are planning a merger.

And word gets around. If you do something bad in a small town, word gets around.

Which means everyone will hear about it.

word 單字, 消息,謠言
word gets around 謠言很容易傳播
get the word out  把消息傳出去
spread the word 傳播消息, word (不可數)
word 也可指某人所講得話
May I have a word with you? 我可以和你聊幾句嗎?
Can you put in a good word for me? 幫我美言幾句

Language Lab
connect v.  把...聯繫,  連結
connect sb/sth (with sb/sth) to have an association with sb/sth else
- Patrick often connects with his friends on Facebook.
connection n. 聯繫
- The police found a connection between the suspect and the victim.

mailing list n. 郵寄名單
- Greg wants his name to be added to our mailing list.
- We removed Jared's name from our mailing list.
mailing label 郵寄地址的標籤
- All the mailing labels were printed with waterproof ink.

questionnaire n. 問卷, 調查
- All employees were requested to fill in a job-satisfaction questionnaire.
- It took me almost 20 minutes to fill out this very detailed questionnaire.

coverage n. 新聞報導 cover v. 報導
- We're watching TV's live coverage of the hurricane.
- Wesley was sent to the Middle East to cover the summit.

Review Skits
So tell me, Ben, how are you?

I’m doing well, Uncle Bob.

Great. And how are things going with your business?

Pretty well, but things have leveled off.

Ooh. Do you know why?

No. We’re talking about doing some market research to figure out why.

Oh, sounds expensive.

Not really.

The Internet makes it easy to connect with customers.

And it’s good for advertising and collecting feedback.

Really! Tell me more.

Uncle Bob, we’re basically following a three-step marketing campaign.

Well, what’s the first step?

We’ll connect with current and potential customers.

Will you create a long mailing list?

First, we’ll just use social media and gather information.

How about surgerys?

We’ll use questionnaires and post things on forums, too.

And also use focus groups.

Well, sounds like a simple way to do market research.

And inexpensive.

We’ll also create buzz.


Buzz is basically excited interest.

We hope to use social media and our website to spread the word.

Well, that sounds interesting.

I guess you’ll be as busy as a bee. Hahahaha…

As busy as a bee?

Yeah, buzz, buzz, buzz.

Ah… you’re a funny man, Uncle Bob. Busy as a bee…



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