What should you do when a friend betrays you?
Sara comes home to find her sister, Kelly looking very upset.
Sara: You look miserable, Kelly. What's wrong?
Kelly: I told Veronica a secret, and she told it to everyone in school. Now all my classmates are talking about it and me!
Sara: That's awful! One time last year, I told my friend a secret, and she posted it on Facebook for everyone to see.
Kelly: What did you do about it?
Sara: I knew a couple of secrets about her, so I started spreading them around our class. I'm sure you know something about Veronica that, you could use to get revenge.
Kelly: Yeah, I do know some of Veronica's secrets, but if I tell them, I'll be just like her. I don't know if I want to stoop to her level.
Sara: But she has been a terrible friend. Do you really want to keep being nice to her?
Kelly: Well, it is the right thing to do. Besides, if I remember right, your plan to get revenge backfired.
Sara: Well, yes, a lot of our mutual friends did get mad at me, and I developed a reputation for gossiping.
Kelly: See? That's why I don't know if trying to get revenge will help.
Info Cloud
well 是particle(語助詞)、是sentence connector(句連接詞)、是語言的潤滑劑,不但讓對話注入好的節奏,而且強化說話者的態度及語氣,讓說話更生動有力。
* Kelly: Well, it is the right thing to do.
Sara: Well, yes, a lot of our mutual friends did get mad at me.
Language Lab
miserable adj.悲慘的、痛苦的、難過的
* Richard has been miserable since he quit his job.
* Susie has a very bad cold today and feels miserale.
misery n.痛苦、不幸
* These abandoned children live in misery. 這些被遺棄的孩子們活在痛苦中
revenge n.復仇、報復
* The prince got revenge on the bad queen for trying to poison him.
* He wanted revenge for his father's murder.
* If Tommy hits you, you should not hit him back to get revenge.
stoop v.自甘墮落、自貶
* I don't think Daniel will stoop to stealing.
* I want to know what Sam said, but I won't stoop to reading his email.
mutual adj.共同的、共有的
* One of the secrets of a happy marriage is mutual respect.
* Their relationship was built on mutual interests only.
* Dave and I have a lot of mutual friends because we are in the same grade.
betray v.
1. to give information about (a person, group, country, etc.) to an enemy
2. to hurt (someone who trusts you, such as a friend or relative) by not giving help or by doing something morally wrong
backfire v.
to have the opposite result of what was desired or expected
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