Wednesday, July 1, 2015

The Art of Voice Acting (1)

Being an invisible yet audible star

Do your friends or acquaintances ever compliment your voice for being interesting and unique? Do you enjoy doing silly voices and impressions, and are you a big fan of animated films and cartoons? If your answer is yes, voice acting might be a possible career for you, but don’t expect an easy road to success.

Getting started
Achieving professional status among voice actors is just as difficult as breaking into regular acting and singing. Likewise, you need to go to similar lengths of preparation as those performers before you can expect to find work.

If you’re serious about voice acting, you probably will want to enroll in acting classes and vocal lessons. Also, theimportance of producing a quality demo reel that representsyour talent cannot be emphasized enough.

Once you're armed with some good preparation, you'll want to contact a talent agency and start booking auditions. Unfortunately, this is basically impossible unless you live in a city where the voice-over industry is strong. Once you are getting consistent work, you will likely need to invest in a home studio with industry-level equipment.

Language Lab
Teaching Topic: Levels of Relationship 教學主題: 不同的人際關係
Hello, friends! What do you call someone whom you know but is not a close friend? That person might be considered an acquaintance.

That’s right. An acquaintance is a person you know but not well enough to be considered a friend. Some half  jokingly say that an acquaintance is a person we know well enough to borrow money from but not well enough to lend money to.

That’s a good way to look at it. So the basic order of relationships might go something like this, stranger, acquaintance, friend, close friend and best friend.

And there’s even another level, Ken. The highest level of relationship is summed up in the popular term, soul mate. Soul mates are two people who are more than best friends. In addition to shared tastes and interests, they have a rare ability to connect on a very deep level emotionally, intellectually and spiritually.

So, can soul mates be people of the same sex? Sure. Soul mates can describe two people of the same sex, like sisters, for example, who are very close might use this term. But it’s more commonly used between people of the opposite sex. Finding a soul mate is a rare and precious thing.


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