Friday, May 1, 2015


Reduce stress and fatigue

House plants also create a more relaxing and peaceful atmosphere in your home. As a result, they help you feel calmer and more optimistic about life. How do they do this?

Plants have been shown to lower blood pressure due to their stress-relieving nature. They can also help block outdoor noise from traffic or construction, which also reduces stress. One organization says that plants not only increase your self-esteem, but they can also make you feel happier. For best results, place one large plant every 10 square meters around your home.

Promote restful sleep
For a good night’s sleep, try adding a snake plant to the corner of your room. Unlike most plants, snake plants release oxygen during the night. This helps to keep the air flow fresh, which contributes to sound sleep. You could even try the gerbera daisy.

House plants can beautify your home as well as provide many health benefits, so go out and get some today. They will not make you feel better, but also make your home more elegant.

Language Lab
construction n.
the business of building things (such as houses or roads)
- You need to wear helmets to enter the construction site.
- The museum is a modern construction which is the city's landmark.

self-esteem n.
a feeling of having respect for yourself and your abilities
- A loving and nourishing learning environment can build a child's self-esteem.
- Even though Robin is pretty and talented, she still suffers from low self-esteem.

beautify v.
to make (something) beautiful or more beautiful
- The government is determined to beautify the city with a large city park.
beauty n.
- The beauty of the sunset was captured by this photo.

elegant adj.
showing good taste : graceful and attractive
- The bride looks elegant and beautiful in her wedding gown.
- The elegant manners of the old lady attracted my attention.
elegance n.
- There's an atmosphere of elegance in this restaurant.


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