Thursday, April 9, 2015

Unsolved Mysteries of the World (1)

Some stories still have no resolution

Today, we often pride ourselves in the advanced medicine,technology and scientific proficiency of our world. And yet history is hull of stories proving that the world is still mysterious and that all our advancements can’t satisfy us with answers.

The Green Children of Woolpit
In 12th century England, harvesters working outside the village of Woolpit caught sight of a young girl and boy.They wore clothes of unknown material and spoke an unknown language, but these details were not as strange as the green color of their skin. The boy grew sick and died, but the girl survived, eventually losing her green tint,learning English and marring an Englishman.

One theory states that they were Belgian immigrants separated from their parents during a nearby battle. Living in a dark forest with little food is said to account for their green skin color. Others claim them to be aliens from another planet or dimension. While the story may be easily dismissed as fictional, some doubt is cast by accounts from both a historian and an abbot.

Language Lab
proficiency n.
a good standard of ability and skill
- Irene's proficiency as an interpreter is unquestionable.
proficiency in/with/at
- Basic proficiency in computer software is a prerequisite for this position.
- Chelsea is proficient in five languages.

tint n.
a small amount of a particular color
- The paint we're using on our exterior wall is grey with a blue tint.
an artificial color that is used to slightly change the color of your hair:
- Sherry had a brunette tint put in her hair.
tint v.
to slightly change the color of something, especially hair
- Her eyebrows were tinted blonde.

dimension n.
a part of a situation or a quality involved in it
- The story is about a guy who accidentally entered the fourth dimension.
how great or serious a problem is:
- The dimension of the reform's impact is greater than we expected.

fiction n.
books and stories about imaginary people and events [≠ non-fiction]:
fictional adj.
fictional people, events etc are imaginary and from a book or story:
- Sherlock Holmes is a renowned fictional detective.
- The movie is based on a true story instead of a fictional one.

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