Saturday, January 31, 2015

Make Stress Your Friend (3)

A degree of compassion 
Another study found a link between stress and the amount of compassion people showed to others.

Researchers tracked 1,000 adults, their descriptions of the level of stress in their lives and the amount of time spent helping family members, friends or others. Death records were also compiled, and when added to the original data, the results were very surprising!

With each major stressful event, such as a family tragedy or financial crisis, the risk of dying increased by 30 percent. But for the group who spent time helping others, there was no increase in stress-related deaths, even for those who had faced their own personal tragedies.

Some researchers concluded that when we invest our lives in other people, we develop a kind of resilience. It gives us the ability to quickly become strong and healthy again, even after a major illness or disappointment.

Should we welcome stress?
According to Dr. McGonigal, " Chasing meaning is better for your health than trying to avoid discomfort ...

Go after what it is that creates meaning in your life and then trust yourself to handle the stress that follows."

Info Cloud
pathos 希臘文, 表示感情
- Put yourself in his shoes.

Closer Look
Go after what it is that creates meaning in your life ...
What it is = that exact thing
- I wish I know what it is that is bothering her.
- When you're trying to work through a disagreement, focus on what it is that's important and don't get distracted by the unimportant things.

Language Lab
compassion n. 憐憫, 同情, 側懚之心
a strong feeling of sympathy for someone who is suffering, and a desire to help them
- Out of compassion, they helped the homeless children.
- Fiona has lots of compassion for stray dogs.

compile v. 彚編, 編製, 收集
to make a book, list, record etc, using different pieces of information, music etc
- Data needs to be compiled and analyzed to become useful.
- The report took two years to compile.

resilience n. 恢復能力, 適應力
the ability to become strong, happy, or successful again after a difficult situation or event
- The boy has shown great resilience in the tough environment.
- The lotion's formula is meant to restore resilience to the skin.

discomfort n. 不適, 不便, 不快, 窘迫, 不自在
a feeling of slight pain or of being physically uncomfortable:
- The discomfort of long flight can be helped through exercise.
- Erica's voice shows her discomfort and lack of self-confidence.


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