Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Trial by Fire (2)

Some time later, Blaise and Iris heard a news report on the car radio. A downtown bank had caught fire. Blaise asked Iris to drive him there. He intended to use his power to help.

Iris burned rubber to get downtown. Drivers shouted, "Where's the fire?" But she didn't slow down.

When they arrived, the bank was going up in flames, and police and firefighters were standing nearby.

Blaise couldn't use his power to put out such a big fire. But he pushed the flames aside to let people out.

He wasn't content to wait outside. He worried that someone trapped inside might be burned to a crisp. So he sneaked past the firefighters and went inside.

Blaise didn't mind heat, but he had to crawl so he wouldn't breathe in too much smoke. Then he saw someone running toward him. As the man got nearer, Blaise realized it was Mr. Golden. And he was carrying a bag of money.

Info Cloud
Teaching Topic: When T’s Become D’s (當T讀作D時)
美國人講英文時, 有時候T的音會發成D的音,
例如: later/shouted/metal/butter

當T出現在R之後, 也會有這種現象,
例如: charter

但T出現在n的音之前, T的發音就不會變,
例如: written

要注意這是美語的現象, 英國人就不一定會這樣發音了

Grammar Gym
Blaise didn't mind heat, but he had to crawl so he wouldn't breathe in too much smoke.
[subject] didn't mind [something], but ... 
- Julie didn't mind noise, but the screaming child next to her was starting to bother her.
- Kendra didn't mind getting dirty, but not being able to shower for three days was hard for her to accept.

Language Lab
catch fire phrasal verb
if something catches fire, it starts to burn accidentally:
- The house suddenly caught fire for no reason.
- In the intense heat, the firecracker factory caught fire and exploded.

intend  v.
to have something in your mind as a plan or purpose
- Irene intended to leave her present job, but she suddenly got promoted, so she decided to stay.
intend on + V-ing
- Tom intended on selling his house to buy a yacht, but he changed his mind.

content adj.
pleased and satisfied : not needing more
- Sandra is content to be a housewife.
content with
- Our boss is very content with our report.
content n.
the things that are in something
- The content of the movie is too violent for kids.

crawl v.
to move along on your hands and knees with your body close to the ground;
if an insect crawls, it moves using its legs
- The baby just started learning how to crawl.
- The caterpillar was crawling on a leaf.
to move slowly on, across, or through (something)
- The heavy truck crawled up the hill.


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