Thursday, July 31, 2014

Reality TV (2)

Most of the bad stuff gets taken out.

Not really!
I heard someone from one of those shows interviewed.
He said they were told to show lots of "human conflict," and that included using lots of foul language.

Not all of the shows are like that.
Some of them are actually educational.


One of the shows travels to a different location each week.
So you learn about geography and culture.

OK, maybe that one is worthwhile, but most of them are just a form of "gossip entertainment."

Not really.
They teach you about human nature.
In the Wendall Family, they work together to solve their problems.

People on those shows do seem to have a lot of problems, don't they?

So what?
Plenty of people have serious problems.
Reality TV just reflects the challenges people face in real life.

I'm not so sure.
It's still TV, after all, and they need to keep their ratings high by creating as much tension as possible.

So what are you saying?

I'm saying that I think much of what we see is exaggerated.

Whatever. The shows are still harmless fun and so entertaining!

Info Cloud
Teaching Topic: OK 
OK 的多樣面貌
全世界人們用最多的英文單字就是 OK
OK可以當動詞, 形容詞, 副詞, 感嘆詞
也可以有不同的拼法 O.K. okay

Grammar Gym
It's still TV, after all, and they need to keep their ratings high by creating as much tension as possible.
after all: remind people of a certain fact
- Tiffany might be very smart, but you can't let her go by herself. She is, after all, 13 years old.
- Of course Simon is the right person for this assignment! He is, after all, the most experienced worker we've every had.

Language Lab
foul adj. 言語粗俗的或下流的
foul language rude and offensive words:
- The little boy's foul language shocked all the people present.
foul adj. 惡劣的  
foul weather is stormy and windy, with a lot of rain or snow:
- The foul weather kept the kids from going to school.
in a foul mood/temper in a very bad temper and likely to get angry:
- The boss's foul mood affected everyone at the office.

human nature n. 人之常情; 人性
the qualities or ways of behaving that are natural and common to most people
- Being jealous of other people is just human nature.
- To be a good salesperson, you need to understand human nature.
- It's human nature to think of yourself first.

reflect v. 反射
if a person or a thing is reflected in a mirror, glass, or water, you can see an image of the person or thing on the surface of the mirror, glass, or water
- She saw herself reflected in the shop window.
reflect v.反應;顯示      
to show or be a sign of a particular situation or feeling:
- The statistics reflected a new trend of shopping online.

exaggerate v. 誇張;誇大
to make something seem better, larger, worse etc than it really is:
- Tina loves to exaggerate things to make people pay attention to her.
- The conflict between those two groups of protesters was greatly exaggerated by the media.


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