Friday, December 27, 2013

O-Kai (2)

Looking back 
The spirit of aboriginal Taiwan is quite personal to O-Kai. In 1995, JC Lai (賴家慶) felt that spirit at just the right time in Hsinchu's Jianshi Village (尖石鄉). Feeling no purpose, JC's own spirit was fading away in hopelessness until he found this simple place. He had loved music since childhood, and he found others with an equal affection for it there. Many villagers sang in the local church as he played piano at their request every night. A fire of purpose, sparked by God, took flame in JC's heart at those get-togethers.

The three children of the church's piano player and choir leader struck up a relationship with JC. This chemistry led them to practice and perform together even though Jen, Sean and Anton were in school.

Determined to work together, JC taught piano lessons for several years until they finished their studies. Out of patience, passion and a love for music, the four formed O-Kai in 2004. Later the group added alto Tanya, performed internationally, won awards at various contests and produced an album.

Info Cloud
play instrument 
中文會用不同的字, 例如: 彈, 吹, 拉, 打, 等等...
英文所有樂器演奏都使用都是用 play
彈吉它 play the guitar
吹笛子 play the flute
打鼓 play the drums

play 要當及物動詞, 要用play the piano 而不是用play on the piano
例如:  strum the guitar 彈播吉它的弦 / tickle the ivory 調播象牙 意指彈琴

Language Lab
affection n.
a feeling of liking and caring for someone or something [noncount]
- Dad is a reserved person, so he seldom shows his affection for Mom.
- After staying here for the summer, we have developed an affection for this little town.

spark v.
a small piece of burning material that comes from a fire or is produced by rubbing or hitting two hard objects together
- The outlet suddenly sparked as I plugged in my hairdryer.
a quality that makes someone or something enjoyable, interesting, successful, etc.
to be the cause of something, especially trouble or violence [= provoke]:
- The mayor's careless comment sparked a heated debate. at one's request -- means someone asks you to do something

chemistry n.
the science that is concerned with studying the structure of substances and the way that they change or combine with each other
if there is chemistry between two people, they like each other and find each other attractive
- Brenda majored in chemistry in college.
- The chemistry between the leading actor and actress is wonderful in this movie.

contest n.
a competition or a situation in which two or more people or groups are competing with each other
- The finals of this TV singing contest made the headlines yesterday.
- Charlene participated in several beauty contests when she was a teen.


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